scared to death

i so do not know what to say right now.........remember that entry i made last year sometime about that drunk guy in the club that..........ugh i dont even wanna think about it. but anyways.....last night when i was in Walmart, he saw me and started smiling at me and then he came up and told me he missed me....and then i just turned and walked away and he started fallowing me. i am scared to death of this guy. and i dont know what i should do. i know last year i shoulda pressed charges on him for sexual harrasment and sexual assult, but i was too scared to go to anyone. i feel nasty still when i think about what he did to me.ugh. and i have had nothing but nightmares since he did that....but they slowed down, and now recently im having them again.and i hate can a guy do that to someone. how could anyone do that to just sick and wrong. i wish none of this could have happened. its not fair. i dont deserve this.
Read 13 comments
it must be so hard for you to know what to do. but if you see him again, i think you should go to the police. you have to stand up for yourself.
If you do nothing about this, he will keep coming after you because he will know that you're too scared to stick up for yourself, even if you didn't report it last time, you should go to the police now and try to do something about it.

I swear If I were you I'd of kicked him in the nuts if he came up to me like that, I hope everything turns out okay, take care.
i replied to your comment with another comment in my entry, check it out if ya like.
btw, do you have AIM? whats your sn?
hiya back!
Hey, that sitch seems really bad. You should get an order from a judge or something. Or, just mace his ass.
being sexually harassed sucks i know what ur talking about, hey thanks fer noting me:)
I definatly agree you shouldn't let him do that to you... if he bothers you again go to the police. Be careful.
hehe. thanks. and i hope it wont get infected. thanks for the comment. =)

aww, hun. i am really sry to hear that he did something to u. its gonna take time to get over it ... i should know. but if he starts doing stuff that makes u feel unsafe then u should really tell someone.
thats really creepy, if i were you i would just suck it up and tell someone
tell someone please!
no you dont deserve that. =( *hugs* ill beat him up for you. no, ill get todd to do it =) hes got muscle and stuff lol.
i hope everything is ok and so sorry you're scared and im sorry i havent been around. i got ur emails a few minutes ago. they were great...i loved those fowards. but yeah, i gotta get back in bed. todds gonna kick my butt when he finds out im out of it me if you need me
You don't deserve that at all. GUys like that are assholes and deserve to be casstrated. I"m sorry that something like that had to happen to someone as awesome as you. Just alwasy remeber you are way better than him and that you are strong and can get through it. HAve a better day because you deserve it. -Chad
I cant imagine how that feels... no one deserves to be treated that way and u should tell someone. It wasnt ur fault that asshole did that to u. If i was there I'd kick his ass for you. I'd pull out some badass kung fu on him... even though i dont know any kung fu. Well I really hope things get better for you :-)