
tonight had to of been one of the sadest yet one of the proudest moments that i have ever encountered....two of the coolest people that i happen to know are getting on a bus friday allong with about thirty other brave people i know and are going to be shipped off to Iraq. and those two other men happen to be like fathers to me. Joe and Gaylon. they are leaving and wont be able to return for about a year and a half. i never thought that this whole war thing would affect my life as much as it has now. im asking everyone for your prayers for the troops of national guard from my town and their families. its really a shock to all of us. ***i hate being emotional***.....well anyways i just had to put in here how proud of them i am.... Krystal
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I'm praying for them and their families... as well as you. You know if you ever need to vent, you can always come to me. Prayers!
hey that almost happened to my brother cuz he's in the army but luckyly he didn't haf to go anyways i'll pray for ur friends
that is totally awesome and brave of them, but its sad at the same time. take care. jenn green
thanks for the comment

i hope your friends stay safe. they are brave. they are heros
they have my prayers...feel better...hopefully theyll be fine in the year and a half there gone... feel better!!! ...
~joe cool~
My little brother has been in the middle east for a few months now. He's home now visiting for a few weeks and my mother hates the idea of him being out there. She hates watching the news about how many soldiers were killed.
He's a little shitfaced bitch, he is my little brother, but I'm proud of him. :P
I hope the all come back safely.