all the kings men poem

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall But his fall could not compare To all the heartache that was not spared The handsome prince who stole my heart Rode off on his stallion and tore it apart Throughout the kingdom for years and years I cried and cried and shed my tears All the suitors and princes grand Could not compare to this handsome man The one who broke my heart in two And left me unsure of what to do I tried so very hard to move on Trying to ignore the fact that he was gone From all the pain I run away And still to this very day I miss him still so very much His smile, his kisses, and his touch And no matter how hard they tried and tried I still continue to cry and cry And all the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put my broken heart back together again
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