why im scared

hey....today sucked.....i hate these days... if i just died right here would anyone care? im not sure they would. im not sure about anything anymore. life sucks. im invisible or something. well ive thought a lot about it and i think that im ready to write it in here...i dunno how long ill have this entry up because i might delete it but here goes...i cant keep this all inside any longer. alright heres what happened... about a month ago, me and a friend were at this club called static and it got boring for a while and so we decided to go out for a walk for a while and come back later. well we were down the street and all of a sudden this car full of guys pull up. they were new in town and asked us to show them around. i really didnt want to go, but my friend told me to come...she practically begged me to come. so i get in the car. i was in the back seat between two guys and she was in the front on another guys lap. about 30 minutes later, he pulls over and wants me in the front and her in the back. so being dumb me i went in the front. she got in the back. she was talking to the guys in the back and i was with the other guy in the front. he was drunk and driving and looking at me all at the same time. he started touching me in places that mase me uncomfortable.he forced himself on me too...i was so freaked out and my friend was clueless because she left me there when that happened.then we all went back to the club. wow i dont know if i want to write any more....my friend left to the bathroom for a while and left me there with these drunk guys...not smart...and she didnt come back for a while... well things happened and he started touching me and i kept telling him to stop. he wouldnt.he was far from stopping.he ripped part of my shirt.he was like practically on top of me and was taking my clothes off..i was freaking out..and a lot happened against what i wanted but he refused to leave me alone. so i told him that i had to go to the bathroom and he grabbed me. i jerked away from him and left. i found security and they kicked them out.then all of a sudden the next week comes around and his brother that was with him that night showed up at school. he was hanging around my friends and he kept telling me things about how his brother misses me and was going to find me....then a week later he was nowhere to be seen. ive had nightmares from all that happened. my friend doesnt know the whole story. she just knows part of it. i wish i could tell someone but i cant. i dont know what to do.was it my fault? i dont understand.i havent been the same since this has happened to me.im not sure what to do.
Read 12 comments
awwwwww...hun, it ain't your fault. i feel bad now cause that shit shouldn't happen to you or any female. you did do the right thing by gettin security tho...who knows what else woulda happened if you hadn't. here's a word of advice for furture nights out...never follow a friend into a situation you don't feel right about, trust your gut..always, doesn't matter if it's the smallest twitch, listen to it an get urself the hell outta there, much luv
no you did the right thing. i'm glad that you're okay. you could have really gotten hurt.
it's not your fault. people can be scary when they are drunk. especially guys with girls.
talk to someone about it. not necessarily a peer, but an adult you trust. or someone on here.
note me and i'd be glad to talk to you. just talk to someone okay? hope you get to feeling better.
I'm sorry that happened to u and it wans't ur fault. Praying a lot always helps me, maybe it will help u. Thanks for writing a comment in my diary :-) Hope things get better for u.
dont worry it is not your fault it is the dumbass's fault to even start it.....i hate it when people are drunk they look like jackasses.......if ya need someone to talk to im here
It wasn't your fault. You were very brave and did the right thing by getting security...more power to you. I think you should talk about it with someone. It helps to let it all out, and some people are professionals for just that reason. They can help you deal. I'll be praying for you.
OH MY GOD.. I know what that is like.. I am still trying to get over it... GOOD LUCK!

Oh BTW, the "more than one entry a day" note did upset me... Because I like to write... I have gotten over it.. but BOY was I pi$$ed at the time!!!

Thanks for your comments...
ugh, that's so awful... i try to make it a point to not be alone with a bunch of drunk guys. Next time this happens (heaven forbid) go with your friend! I'm soo sad this happened to you!
Im glad to see you were able to get out of it. I don't know how many people I know where to scared to say or do anything at all, and it screwed with their lives. I'm sorry though to hear that it happened to you at all.
Tell a trusted friend. The friend you were with does not sound like a good one. Not smart, as you said.

Tell that guys brother (and the guy) that you do NOT miss him, and that you do not want to hear from or see him again. What he did was wrong.

If it goes any further, you need to tell the Police, because that could get waaaaaay more out of control.

Be safe, take care of yourself.
i know what you mean. it's like if i were to get hit by a bus (you have to come up with a scenerio) who would care? would anyone?
i feel like no one cares all the time.....when im gone even for a day from school no one notices.....if i die will it be the same? the same thoughts go through mah mind all the time......
I've had similar experiences... I'm so sorry. Sometimes the most trusted person you can talk to is God. Take care. XOXOXOXO