really sad

hmmm yea im really bored right now and confused so frikin bad that it isnt even funny.! man why does life haveta be full of confusing things? im not sure either but i am sure annoyed from it.yeah ill stop complainin about my confusing life because like everyone else im sure u dont care either.... well my friend Stella wasnt at school. i am so worried about her and i dunno anymore...ok heres the thing......ok in my last two entries or so u can read more about what happened because its a long story and i cant write it all again but anywhoo....Stella fell on the bus coming back from tucson and she hit really hard plus all that "stuff" in her system made her all woozy and it made me feel bad too from taking them so i know how it must have felt to her...but anyways...she was all dazed out from it and all and i kinda had the feeling that it was a concussion because of the symptoms and she hit her head hard on the ground and i do mean hard... also the fact that i am cpr and first aid certified...but anyways...Mrs. Hughes told her to lay down and sleep and i was like no! because if it was a concussion, she could have went into a coma from falling asleep...but did they listen?no and she fell asleep....well about two hours later when we came home, she had to go to work and she passed out and they put her in the Hospital. and then i talked to her on Sunday when they released her and she said that she had a severe concussion (oh look i was right) and a possible siezure...when i talked to her, she had a severe headache and couldnt hardly move her eyes without it hurting bad...and then she didnt even show up for school this worried about her and i hope shes ok...well i suddenly dont have anything else to say so bye!
Read 4 comments
Hope she is ok!
Thanks for hoping that i feel better because im better now :)
i just hope you feel better
i just hope you feel better