update again

i went to the hospital tonight. it was sooo not cool to see my grandma like that. the nurse got all pissed when i called back to see if i could go in to see her, but she let me in. they told me that i really couldnt talk to her because if she responded back, that she wouldnt get any oxygen to her brain. it was horrible just standing there and seeing her like that. everytime she would look at me, i wanted to cry so bad. it took everything i had not to cry. so i hugged her and told her i loved her and that i was praying for her. and then i left because i couldnt take it anymore. im going back tomarrow if the nurses will let me in to see her. so i guess what im getting at is, i would really really appreciate if you guys out there that believe in prayers, if you will pray for her, my grandpa, and the rest of my family. we are all taking it really hard. i just hope that she pulls through this.
Read 9 comments
im sry hun. she will be in my prayers.
yeah, seaguls and jellyfish seem to be the only animals on the beach that are always pissed at you, theres just no pleasing those little bastards, jeez
awesome [pillar]. yeah i know what ur going through. went through the same on the saturday that passed =/
ya!! love those d-backs, have those.. other teams. hah Aww you know what sucks is that Counsell was my FAVORITE player. and they traded him. FOOLS
ahh, im sorry. i know how you feel my grandpa was pretty much the same. But hey, at least your screen name rocks. Always gotta look at the good side cuz remember what my english teacher said. "life is good."
ohh, i like your journal hope you dont mind if i make you a friend?
yah i saw them at B.O.B or stadium formally named bob. yeah and think Gonzo is my fav. player nowadays..
yeah, i live in az too, but i still hate those little bastard seagulls, your food is never safe on the beach when theyre around, neither is your hand, little bastards nip at those too
haha thanks..i dont think i need any luck though. im pretty much set for the whole summer with boys! :) lucky lil me
i really hope your grandma gets better ive lost all but 1 of my grandparents and its really hard and i would hate to see you have to have it happen too! but keep faith!