::oops my bad::im a bitch::

Listening to: Pax 217
Feeling: broke
wow so i wake up this morning and i realize that what i told Stef last night was way rude. so i tried to apologize and she hasnt been home since early this morning and her mom told me that she is pissed right now....ah snap.....oops. well i guess i should tell the story.... last night we went out and a bunch of crap happened and i dunno, i was just kinda annoyed with everyone. well on the way back to my place....Stef starts talking mad crap about these girls outside of a dairyqueen. she was all "look at those hoes" and i said yeah why arent you out there with them....and she was all if im a hoe then you are a worse one. and then i told her no. then she asked why i said that and i told her that im not a hoe and i have more class than that........haha and she gave me this look that was like the look of death...seriously i didnt mean that she didnt have class...everything i say seems to get taken the wrong way...jees...and for my defense i was just playing around...because we always play around like that. but i guess she took it the wrong way......im guessing that i need to appologize to her... oh on the other hand...we were talking to her brother yesturday and in one week in July, he is taking his wife and kids to the White Mountains and he wants us to stay there and watch the trailor.....he has this big screen tv and all kinds of things to do so im excited. i think it will be fun. he said no parties but what he dont know doesnt hurt....haha im an evil bitch hu? haha well im out for now..... laters, Krystal
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hey, that hoe thing sounded pretty funny. hehe :) I'm taking that question thingi from you, i hope you don't mind. it was nice to know you a tad better by reading that!