!!boy frustrations!!

i hate guys and their mixed signals and stuff!!!jeez i haveta ask this question to all u guys out there.......when a girl askes u and other guys out there somthing, why do they try to avoid th question???jees im getting frustrated at Rocky for this reason and he needs to tell me exactly what he thinks about "us" because like everytime we talk, i get different signals and crap like that and im sick of playing these stupid games with him......sorry im just frustrated with him...bye
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we dont know what signals our brain is sending us, its all so confusing, i dont think we can explain it to anyone else.
you want results...be honest, be firm, be direct, and if he doesn't answer or sends mixed signals dis him. easy enough...yo.
just remember they think with certain body parts and I don't mena their brains
I think that Rocky's are trouble, my friend went out with a kid named Rocky and he cheated on her! Well, Tell him straight up, "if you want to go out, lets do this, but I've had it with waiting for you, so either now or never" you do not need any guy making you wait, trust me, I have been there, only I honestly loved the kid, and it just fucks you over.... GOOD LUCK!!!!
god gave men a brain
god gave men a penis

god didnt give men enough blood to use both at the same time
think about it... its so true
gl w/ rocky