it sux 2 b alive

for reals im sick of sick of home. im sick of sick of sick of perky sick of rude sick of my sick of everything~~~~~im having a bad day but i do haveta say that from now on im not going to hold back at what i write because it is my diary and i do have the right to speak my mind so i just thought that i would say that im just going to be more open about the things i say without worrying if it would hurt someones feelings or something.its not like i have totally bad stuff to say or anything but i just needed to say that if people dont like what i write then they shouldnt read it.its not like im rude or anything so noone should bet butthurt about it...whatever~~~~bye
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i could kill you if you want.
let it out sista...let it out yo, don't hold nothin in...holding stuff in only gives you heart burn so release...yo. nice diary.