uggh, poser bastards

Feeling: agitated
im so agitated. as if. mwahahaha. ok so what is up with this poser nonsense??? first im a poser, then all these chicks who are infact "posers" are now "punkers"? twilight zone. so this chick brenna in my science class is like "yeah i decided to dress punker today" GAH!!!! just coz she's wearing converse does NOT mean she is a punker. and the chicks around her started having a conversation about this whole punker thing, and how they are punkers. dude! hollister and abercrombie, so not punker. haha, she's mormon. and cannot go out on sundays. no trick or treating for her... this sux, i love the ramones and i like the misfits, but i can never wear those shirts coz it is now associated with "punker"--as in the poser punker. poser bastards....
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I really like the journal :)
there are alot of preppys turned "punk" at my school ..I just hate it they do it just to fit in cuz I guess they do it too keep up with the "trend" ..even though "punk" isnt really a trend

--yeahh ♥ Megan