Finals week--day three

Ok so thank GOD today was my last day of finals. and i think I’m quite pleased with all my grades...well not necessarily the general grades of my classes but definitely my final test scores. I have to brag, it is all that gives me self-esteem, so listen if you feel so inclined. In order of course… -In English I have absolutely no idea what I got on my final. BLAST. No big, I don’t think I did that well…but that’s what happens when you don’t read the damn book or study the notes. Oh well, I had a high B or an A so even if I did bomb it I’ll still have a B in the class…so not too bad. -Math I think I got a B- or a C on the test. Not really a problem because even if I aced the test I still would have a B in the class. Basically if I got anything less than a C I would have been dropped a grade. So I didn’t exactly exert myself to only get an 85% or something in the class…to me a B is a B so it don’t matta. -French…damn…I didn’t do so well in French…I only got a 97.5% on my test. Shit. I’m so ashamed. Heh, Madame was the one who decided to bring that grade to my attention, and how horrible of a student I am. I really don’t belong in that class…I’m such a disgrace. -History was totally the best. Not only did I ace that bitch…I believe it was…shoot what was it? A…316 out of…300? Was that it? Oh yes yes. So I got more than a hundred percent on my hardest class. YES!! -In art I was finally able to get an A. I had to basically watch her put it in the grade book…not to say that she couldn’t just change it after I left. But dammit that is so A quality. Sadly it doesn’t look like me very much…but it does upside down? It’s driving me nuts, the nose is off. Of course that’s the hardest thing for me to draw ever so I shall fix it and then mebbe I can put it in my portfolio. Sam had a bad couple of days. Hello Sam. Heh she’s watching me write this. Oh well fine maybe she isn’t…hmmm maybe I can write all sorts of evil devious things about her. Oh damn, I have been caught. For another day… We’re bored. I’m mad at someone, heh I take pleasure in that. Jack in the box must DIE! That sick putrid filth must be banishED. Yeah I’ve got nothing else to write…except… WE'RE ON BREAK!! NO MORE SCHOOL FOR THREE WEEKS!! FREEEEEDOM!!!!!!!!!
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