welcome to the jungle...we got fun and games....

01. Your name plus "y." jordan-y 02. Two feelings at the moment? bored...kinda lonely..........and slightly jealous. YES!!! 03. What are you listening to right now? nothing at the moment 04. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind? oh ho ho it's magic.....(damn you sam for posting that as the title of this bulletin...) 05. Describe where you are right now? where are we all really....some infinite plain...in a cruel world... or do we even exist at all... the question my dear isn't where are we....but WHAT are we....hmmmm??? 06. The highlight of your week? there were a few....i cannot recall...sadly.... one is brett telling me he loves me... another is that i'm getting jealous when he's around other girls....YES this means i AM falling for him....mwahahahaha..... 07. What are you hungry for right now? nothin....i stooffed myself earlier...and i gained like 8 pounds so i don't plan to eat anymore..... ever. 08. Any good childhood memories? naivete... 09. A not-so-good childhood memory? i'm sure there were moments...but the memory of such has been erased... 10. What are your nicknames? jordan....jordass....miss blue.... 11. Plans for tomorrow? sleeping....so much sleeeeeeping..... 12. Your three plans for today? well it's almost five....i guess i wanna see my friends today? but that's like...one......ok two is i wanna sleep lol. 13. Are you thinking of someone right now? yes....and how i'm jealous....mwahaha. i love this...means i'm getting over whatshisface.... seriously i hate that i'm not around him while he's around other girls... 14. Favorite colors? grey and black and maroon.... 15. Are you single? nope :) 16. Say something to the person who posted this before you. samantha you BITCH for posting that as the fucking title. die. diediediediediediediediediedie...DIE!!!! 17. What do you want? money. that's what i want. (fuck now that song is stuck...and i'm thinking about empire records...lol)...........dammit sam now that's stuck in my head. and now i'm thinking about empire records (not that that's a problem i suppose...) but yeah anyway i want to be around him when he's around other girls. so i can make them SUFFER!!! ahaha....i'm sick....but sam is too. so ha. 18. Fill in the blank: It's a great day to _______ oh god that reminds me of that stupid cuntry song my mom played over and over and over and over....now THAT'S stuck in my head. fuck this... ^^sam that wasn't even what i thought of. until i read that. and i took a second to think of what song it could be....so lemme guess... it's a great day to be alive by travis tritt???? yeah i bet that's it. well now THAT is stuck in my head......you bitch. i was gonna say it's a great day to kick some ass or something.... 19. Say anything you like to whoever is reading your answers. well, if it's sam....i hate you for posting things that get songs stuck in my head....anyone else....hi? 20. Are you feeling hungry right now? nope.... 21. Say something to the person you are crushing on: hi....call me.... 22. Last friend you talked to online? samantha dahling 23. Last time you had spaghetti? um...i don't remember? 24. If you were on a farm what would you want to see? what...? 25. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? an artist...then i think for like a small amount of time i wanted to be a lawyer (i love to argue)... then an interior decorator... then a fashion designer...now i have no idea.... 26. Last gift? a rose and a big sketchbook and really nice charcoal pencils... gotta love valentines day :) 28. Did you like it? yeas 29. Do you play an instrument? no....dammit... 30. What song did you last hear? um...i have no idea.... 31. Good luck charm? the number 11 lol 32. Person you hate most: person?? as in singular?? haha you make me laugh. 33. Who makes you laugh the most? at the moment ^^ the person who wrote this quiz... but probably sam or something... 34. What makes you smile? lots of things? i'm easily amused you see... 35. What do you like about the night? it's dark...and....less...hot.....and things just look ....cooler? i dunno it's better. ok??? GOD....lol
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