groundhog day yippee

i actually have no idea how much we have left of winter or whatever has to do with groundhog day....i don't really i never looked it up. whatev. today i stayed home sick from school. i was kinda sick. mostly tired. and i have a huge art project due tomorrow that even though i had started it before, i basically had to redo so i needed the entire day to work on it. and i still haven't finished. i'm gonna be up soooooo late tonight. because i also have math shit to work on and study for, and i have a huge history test tomorrow that i need to study for. but honestly the art thing is priority because THAT is not something i can just wing it with and get lucky. i have to work my ass off to get an A in that class. oh well. it will be worth it. if i'm lucky this will turn out really nicely and i can put it in my portfolio. and if i'm reeeeally lucky my teacher will give me the weekend to finish it (i hadn't the access to colored pencils. which i needed to technically finish the assignment. basically i'm fucked.) it has a cupcake in it. i do not know why. but i felt as if a cupcake would be a perfect addition (haha almost typed addiction. nono not quite right...) to the piece. and i have a faerie in it too. she is being an especially big pain in the ass to draw, luckily i got the face and hair like perfect (let's hope i don't do anything stupid to fuck that up *fingers crossed*) but her wings are somewhat of a bitch. i have no idea how i wanna make the wings look. i just know they will be big, and quite possibly the main focal point of the piece. i'm not planning on making them like butterfly wings or like tinkerbell faerie wings, i want em to be big and tattered/torn looking. however....what to do to create this will look so cool when i'm done. and i may put a picture on here. speakinawhich i gotta put a pic of my self portrait shit....but i'm lazaaay... _______________________________ oh yeah lemme hung out with brett yesterday. and thee day before that. haha. didn't hang out with him today, worked out nicely that i was sick today because he wasn't allowed to hang out with anyone anyway because apparently i wasn't allowed to be at his house yesterday. it makes sense trust me. i just suck at explaining things. tomorrow i'm getting my fucking cookie dammit. long story. it involves pictures of delicious chocolate chip cookies. then me planning on getting one. then me not getting it. sad. wish me luck on finishing all the shit i have to do for tomorrow loves. and with this. i say g'night.
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