Didn't sleep well...

Bah, this is so annoying...this layout is like perfect for me except two things: for whatever reason i can't change the font size so it is extremely tiny and the stupid 24 hour time, i have no idea how to change that. it's driving me mad. so yeah i have to add a little font size html code every time i write an entry...which isn't so bad i guess...just a bit of a neu...noose...neusance? sheet. i have no idea how to spell that. hope it was right. i dunno. so i went to be at about...8 last night. well, 7.30, then didn't fall asleep till almost 8.30....but averages to 8. hahaha i have WAY too much time on my hands if i can think about shit like that. blech....i did not feel well at all...i just wanted to sleep and forget about everything. i wonder if my parents were concerned when they got home (probably before 10ish) and saw that i was in bed. early. again. they know i do that when i'm depressed....blast. should not have yielded such delicate information... well, i actually did get a decent amount of sleep--i mean aside from the tossing and turning and the waking up a few times in the middle of the night--it was close to 9 or 10 hours. bah i cannot sleep in past 6 o'clock anymore dammit. it's driving me nuts. it's so early and i've been up for 2 hours and STILL no one is up. a few weeks ago i couldn't sleep in past 8, now it's 6. jesus christ....i'm becoming an insomniac....and it's a lonely life i've discovered. seriously, you don't sleep, so you're all alone while everyone else IS sleeping. it's depressing really...how does the other half live...hahahahaha this is like that stream of consciousness they try to get us to do in skewl. i can never do it when i'm forced, it's almost an oxymoron within itself when you TRY a stream of consciousness....defeats the purpose really....mwahaha i'm totally rambling about nothing... well anyway. it's early as fuck. and i'm wide awake. nothing to do. oh GOD my mother is gonna make me clean the house/my room today. she does not understand the lack of energy that i have....it's really becoming quite bothersome....my hands are so cold it's really hard to type and not fuck up. owie. like...stiff....joints...pain....dammit. i just want to relax in my room, with mellow music playing in the background as i zone out into nothingness. that is ALL i want to do this weekend. but mommy dearest doesn't seem to get that. and my dad thinks ~hmm....she's ignoring us, seems depressed, maybe if i ask her in a condescending way what the fuck is she depressed about....she'll tell me?~ oh yeah, since you put it that way....seriously the logic in this family....they do not leave me alone. don't you know?? leave sad people alone or the sadness will turn into anger and just look how that worked out for the great serial killers of america. nice. i crave trix. and we don't have enough for even a bowl....dammit....we have apple jacks. i guess that will be an almost adequate substitute... ^wow someone is in a complaining mood today^ yeesh. slap me please...
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