
lol it's the 11th day of the 11th month. that reminds me of that seventh son of the seventh son bullshit....man that is so over done..... hey sam and i are supposed to be going to ventura today. preferably with moron. do NOT let me get a fucking tarot reading sam. i can't afford it these days but i'm impulsive and i will get one god dammit.... so yeah anyway Ventura. our favorite place this side of the border..we don't even really go to the beach tho. like the last time we went to the beach in ventura was 5 trips ago and sam got hit on by some pedophile who worked at the Holiday Inn (supposedly) and yes we haven't been back since. i can't wait to meet Moron. i bet it is that reason that oh damn, he won't be coming today. instead let's bring steve!!!---the living bitch himself. and the boy is only 14. imagine how much bitch potential he's still got left. jesus christ....but yes. (mo)ron is very nice, so i hear, and rich, so i hear. my logic: i am more family than steve. sam obviously likes me more, and her mom likes me more coz i'm just like sam she says, yes i am her favorite of sam's friends (noice)....so really come christmas time, don't waste your time getting steve a car...silly boy. I am family. i am more family....they like me betta...and i can see thru your bullshit faster than they can. so feed me....with gifts....lol ok i'm just kidding guys. seriously i'm not that materialistic. i have never given a shit about money. ever. i just find it a funny bonus (and oh so fitting) that sam's mom is dating some rich guy. i mean there was some millionaire who was willing to leave his wife and kids to be with her. yeesh. ^and i'm sure sam enjoyed me bringing that up again. it's just a nice little anecdote to get the point across of what is samantha dahling's motha. very very popular amongst the gentlemen crowd....i seriously can't take either of them anywhere. no matter where we go, sam or her mom gets hit on, checked out, even stalked on occasion. i'm so jealous.... i'm gonna wear my pretty necklace today, it's so pretty. but the chain is like SO dainty(?) that i'm afraid i'll touch it and be like *shatter*...oy. ow my stomach is growling. Ha that's probably because i slept 12 hours last night. i am so proud. 8-8. ---yes that means i went to bed at 8. i was so sleepy....and bored....and a wee bit bummED. so yes. wow it feels like i haven't been to school in like 2 days. neato. uggh quit your growling you gluttonus fiend.... ^speaking of gluttonus fiends^ anyone watch trading spouses? i didn't see it but i heard about it. that really really really fat woman with the horribly obnoxious southern accent, and apparently she's "foot-wash baptist" or something. where she takes everything from the bible literally. so anyway they swapped her with an astrologist family, and she was like baffled at all the hethen-ness. hethan? anyway then she found out that "satan" had been in HER house, (when the astrologist mom came over there instead of pscycho) she like flipped. didn't take the $50,000 or anything. psycho. it was sad because she was really really rude about everything and all JESUS lord name blah blah bullshit blah blah and the astrologer mom was actually really sweet and patient with her when she was like flipping out, etc. but it got me thinking....this woman takes everything in the bible literally.....7 deadly sins....gluttony...HELLO. i've rarely seen anyone this fat. like dude. gluttony. read about it you fucking psycho hypocrite bitch. lol i'm sorry but uber christian assholes (not that christians are assholes, but the ones that are) PISS ME OFF. like oh maaaaan i would loooove to get in a debate with them. oh how i'd love it. i'd like to do some research too, really know my facts about everything, but oh how i would just love to beat them down....and put them in their place--off their holier-than-thou throne. bastards. ok happy time now. well yeah so sam and i...ventura...hopefully...eventually....we need to fix our book tho. it's blank because it's so pretty we don't want to desecrate it with lameass notes. we're basically saving its virginity for cool notes or neato things to put into it....but we have nothing....so we may have to settle. we shall see. bringing it today. yes.
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