i crave thee burgers

like fatty food. i hate it whenever i watch (bits and pieces so basically i've seen it 4 times) Super Size Me, because it makes me CRAVE burgers. i mean i know that the point of it is to show how awful the effects of eating all that fast food can be on your body blah blah. and i totally understand it, so i don't eat it often. but the entire movie they just keep showing you food. lots. and lots. of food. so now I CRAVE THEE BURGERS!!!!! must eat. must eat. BUT i refuse to make it McDonalds. that shit is just nasty. if i'm gonna clog my arteries and cause a potential premature death, then i'm damn well gonna enjoy the ride. yep, you know what that means. In and Out. i don't feel the need to write a longass entry today (crys, you can sleep easy tonight) today is sam's birthday. lol her berfday. HAPPY BERFDAY SAMMY!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHA i'm sure she'll just looooove the sammy part. i NEVER call her sammy. never will. only sam, sometimes samantha but it's usually followed by dahling. her mom is the only one who can call her sammy and not totally remind her of karina. lol eww. she's horrified as we speak...... so yeah. goin to grand panda tonight...i plan to eat the vast majority of the sweet and pungent chicken. steve can just deal with it. i bet you anything he'll call me a pig or something...but i'll just be like...*holds up mirror to show him his own pig-like attributes and lifestyle*
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