Definition of Me

Feeling: alluring
So i think i've finally mapped out what really makes ME, what i'm made of and who i know you wanna read it...come on... Passionate i'm a very passionate person...not that i never realized it before, but it just now hit me how much it defines me. i can be obsessive sometimes, yes...but nothing dangerous...hehe...but my point is, i have far too much passion for it to be wasted in the waiting room of life (high school) i need to get out of here and see the world and find many many loves... Romantic i am also a hopeless romantic. aww man this is SO wasted on someone who is unloved and unnoticed in the's really tragic. then you get the people who have lines of hopefuls just waiting to be with them--but they feel nothing. what a waste, i wish i didn't know what i was missing with "love" because then it wouldn't hurt so much that i have NOTHING. Caring while i can be a bit blinded by my own problems sometimes, and i have been known to take this to a selfish level...when the smoke clears enough for me to realize someone else's problems i drop everything and try to help as much as i can. even if it means getting in trouble or whatever...i love helping people and knowing theyre doing well...i just wanna help... Understanding thinks. i'm usually pretty good at putting myself in other peoples' shoes and being more understanding of why they are the way they are, etc....and i use my sacred blessing for good, not evil. well...heh...maybe a little evil ;) Curious someday this will be the end of me, but until then i take my curiosity to new levels....i always push my limits with people and dig a little deeper...or i take the step into the haunted attic JUST to prove that there really is no ghost up there. haha poor example but basically i'm very curious about life and all its possibilities Stubborn i'll do just about anything to prove a point. like seriously if i was 100% sure that it wouldnt hurt me, i would jump off a bridge to prove to someone that it wasn't gonna hurt me. i'm an idiot...but this also goes with when i make up my mind there's no changing it, i am very opinionated and i fight for what i want Sensitive/Intuitive ok maybe that goes with understanding, but there is still a difference...i'm usually (my instincts are gettin a little rusty tho, i must say) very sensitive to people's feelings and i can tell when it's sadness, anger, etc. also i'm just a sensitive person...i see someone homeless and i'm sad, i see a little boy in a movie lose his mom and i'm crying (real example obviously)....and then i'm personally sensitive. things hurt me, and i have a bad habit of letting people know by my face when it hurts. no poker face. Trustworthy i can keep a secret. simple as that. you tell me not to tell anyone and i won't, or if you make the mistake of not telling me i'll try to use my better judgement on how much i should reveal. but basically, i know when to shut up about some things. Intense i feel what i feel very strongly and i don't take things lightly. this is great when you look at the passionate side of it, but i do realize it's one of my biggest faults. it means when i love someone i LOVE them with every fiber of my being, when they hurt me i'm devesated and can't go on for days, when someone angers me i'm infuriated....etc. but isn't all bad, sometimes it is to my my opinions. Deep truly madly deeply do i feel everything. haha, i do have depth despite what others would think from my oh so blonde appearance. at least that's what people tell me...i'm an old soul as everyone says, i'm aware of things and i'm mature but sometimes i can be a little too serious. oh well, i can lighten up once in a while. Aware Most of the time i'm aware of my faults so i try to take it down a my anger, i don't act on it. i should have a bad temper, and i do in my head, but really no one i know has ever seen me angry. maybe a bit pissed, but never you-wouldnt-like-me-when-im-angry kinda thing. and i'm aware of my surroundings and how people act. that's how i judge them, by the way they treat people as well as themselves. Outgoing i love making new friends. i talk a lot and it can get me into trouble but most of the time i make all kinds of friends. i'm pretty good at finding something that i have in common with people and using it to create a good conversation. i just love change and meeting new people, randomly talking to them is how i've made some of my best friends dude! Persistent when i know what i want i go for it, and i rarely give up. i'm very stubborn and determined, and i know when i deserve something that i truly desire....i'll fight for it even if it kills me. that might be bad, but it's good in the business world and even a love life. and other than my obvious modesty from all of this....i do have negative traits too :( i can be (at times, not always of course): resentful jealous depressive negative distrusting obsessive insecure but that's about all that i can think of ;) haha and oh yeah people think i'm funny too *shrugs* who knows. but in the end. i'm a scorpio, it was predestined for me to be this messed up.
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dude oldies music totally rocks my knickers off. cool sitdiary!