10 things.

1. List ten things you want to say to people but know you never will. 2. Don't say who they are. 3. Disable comments. 4. Never discuss it again. _________________________________________ i promise it's fairly entertaining. maybe you're on the list...who knows...should be fun trying to figure it out though right? (think about it. i don't know THAT many people so it's pretty likely whoever is willing to read it is on it...then again...maybe not...*pinky to mouth all dr. evil style*) BY THEE WAY if you find me acting like SUCH a hypocrite in one of these, it's because i'm bitching at myself. heh i'm insane i know...it's just something to remind me of how much i need to cool it sometimes. but yeah i'm not just yelling at someone for all the shit i do too. :P _________________________________________ 1. What on earth is your problem? What could I have possibly done to you to piss you off so much? You have the nerve to consider me immature yet it is your own immaturity that is keeping you from even getting to know me before suddenly despising everything that I am. How is that fair? I'm willing to wipe the slate clean if you would, but i'm not so naive. I know that you would never want to lower yourself to my level and even attempt civility. God forbid friendship. The saddest part of it all is that you seem very intelligent and like a decent person to get into discussions with. I really wish we could know eachother on different terms, because I'm sure we would have gotten along fine. But whatever, you can go right ahead and be your superior bitchy self. Enjoy your karma :) 2. I need to deal with you in small doses. Seriously you can be so blind and naive that I'm ready to smack you...that sounds mean but it wouldn't be so bad if we just dealt with eachother less. You can really piss me off a lot and you are just so selfish all the time! Get over yourself and stop thinking that all those guys are friends with you because they genuinely find you a good friend. Face it, they all want you and it's pathetic that you let it continue. I know that on some level you realize the truth and just enjoy the attention. I feel so sad for that. Stop being so damn conceited. Uggh it drives me insane how much of the typical highschool idiot you are. You date multiple guys--all of them shit catches--then end up heartbroken, you cheat on tests to slide by in your classes, you smoke god knows what, drink, etc. when you could be so much better than that! You're becoming a bitch. And not even an intelligent one... 3. My god you can be blind to your hypocrisy. We really should be seeing less of eachother because it seems that the more I see of you the more you and your vanity piss me off. I know that I piss you off too...all the more reason to stop talking from time to time. Honestly you can act the same way I have with certain things, and then if I casually bring it up you FLIP. Because it would be oh-so awful for you to be anything like me. What pisses me off the most is how you can do no wrong, I'm always the bitch. I'm always the one who starts the fights and seems to be the only person yelling...because apparently you never yell back or start shit for no reason. GOD just accept some responsibility once in a while and quit assuming yourself above everyone else. I'm completely sick of it. Then if I do something remotely like something bad that YOU did (but of course won't admit to) then I'm wicked. I've done something horrible, and it's impossible to fathom that you could have done something as bad or worse. Get the fuck off your pedestal. 4. Sometimes you amaze me...and other times you disappoint me. You're so great to hang out with and yet you can become so flaky and dependent on other circumstances that it drains your charm. Potential is being wasted! I always wondered if maybe the reason we get along so well is because we don't deal with eachother that often. I rarely see you so that could be a good thing. You rely far too much on boys, and then again I do too...so that's not why I put you here. But because I do it too doesn't make it right. I don't even see you enough to know WHAT to rant to you about. I just know that it's probably for the best that we don't hang out. I think you would get on my nerves after a while (as well as me to you). And how do you always manage to have a new guy to turn to after your heartache? It will never cease to amaze me. God just be more careful...I can totally see your life taking a dangerous turn because you don't see the bigger picture of it all. Slow down. 5. You used to be really great to be with and now you're becoming such a shit. What the hell is the matter with you? I can understand having issues but letting it consume your personality is just too far. I swear I don't know WHY I even bothered with you in the first place anymore. You really need to work out whatever fucked you up so badly. Sometimes I really fucking hate you. And wish I never met you. I wish I never let you hurt me. I miss you, but only who you used to be. 6. I envy your ability to be so comfortable with yourself. Look, you've really discovered who you are and you're happily with someone. I truly envy your security and self esteem. I wish I could be so sure of myself and most of all I wish I had the chance to find love as often as you do. 7. Hey what happened? We used to hang out and talk and get along all the time but you never even speak to me anymore. It really makes me sad because (well I thought) we used to have such a great time talking or hanging or whatever. Fine fine you have your life, I just wish I could be a part of it. And not in the way of most people who just want to be with you because you're like so totally cool and popular and they want that sort of companionship. I just dug hanging out with someone who was cool and intelligent and funny. It makes me sad that we will probably never be "good" friends. P.S. I think you should re-evaluate how you act around the people you like or don't like, just flow and quit putting yourself SO out there for the world to see and potentially like. 8. I do NOT appreciate you making all sorts of assumptions about me when not knowing the whole story. Seriously you need to relax and get to know me before you assume that I'm superficial because I bought ONE expensive outfit, or that I always talk about how mature I am when all I ever said was that that's what people tell me so I roll with it! I hate that you don't get the whole story and are ready to jump to so many awful conclusions about how annoying and bitchy I am. Yes I can be at times, but can't we all?? UGGH I swear I'm ready to fucking strangle you. I thought you were my friend but you have absolutely no problem talking shit about me and knocking everything that I do when really you don't know me and are going by ONE TIME incidents. So I bought one expensive outfit...that doesn't mean I only like expensive things, it just means that I liked the outfit and I could afford it. Oh and you think I'M immature?? What about people who won't fucking tip someone or who just leave shit all over the place for someone to pick up because "it's their job"--and so what if it is? It's called being fucking responsible you shit. I'm such a mom I know...I don't give a shit if you think that of me because it obviously shows how little you let yourself get to know me before making your decision. 9. You talk too much. Seriously you don't know when to quit and no one gives a damn about your problems. Maybe they'll be kind enough to hear about it the first run through, but after a while that seems to be ALL you talk about. Everyone is so sick of hearing you whine about the SAME shit day after day. Yeah you will probably never get over what it is that has hurt you so badly, but keep it to yourself once in a while! You can also push peoples' buttons and just do not know when to stop. You need to relax more and quit being so uptight...and just fucking shut up once in a while...no one gives a shit that you'll be alone forever. Even if it is true... 10. God you just suck. When you're by yourself you're really not that bad, but as soon as you get by one of your obnoxious, immature friends you become just as bad or worse. Like what, you have to impress them?? It's sooo fucking annoying. And embarrassing. I seriously can't stand to be around you when you're with anyone else because you just become this obnoxious, heartless ASSHOLE!!! You wonder why I get short with you when you say stupid shit? And then you and whomever you should be with decide to use me for target practice for your cruelty. Thanks. Thanks a LOT. I hate having everything I say get pounced on and being made feel like such an idiot. I just wish you would STOP and quit pretending that you're original and individual, because clearly you are not. If you were then you wouldn't need the little posse that you have following you everywhere. I can't repsect someone who becomes someone else around other people just to be 'cooler.' In fact it's really pathetic. Shows insecurity and lack of maturity (yes I rhymed and i don't FUCKING CARE).
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