
i dont really have to pee but i thought that was just the funniest mood in the world so i chose it. haha. my friend is being a little shit right now and i dont know why. pms....? testing is officially over!! CELEBRATIONS!!!! and the idiot asshole who sits next to me needs to choke and die. just when i think he couldnt be more of an idiot asshole, there he goes again. he's racist, makes fun of retarded people at our school, he is completely braindead (seriously, he asked if we were allowed to type the project...we're in typing class), he thinks girls who are ditzier are suddenly hotter, and all he thinks about is sex and cuss words. GAH!!!!!! i hate him so much. i hope he chokes as he is giving himself a blowjob and dies....after i bash his head in with a crowbar...and after i chop in up into little bits, videotape it all for internet broadcasting, and sell the remains on ebay. then he shall be dead. yay.
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Haha thanks...i dont really need color for this thing anyway
FUCKER! checkenzie the site! woot