Pissed as Fuck

oh yeah. i don't know why (ha. bullshit, i know why...i just don't feel like mentioning it) i'm FUCKING PISSED. i'm just in a very angry mood. like normally (these days, as events have been...) i've wanted to listen to the more melodic music and such. oh hell no. today i'm listening to nothing but loud 'angry' music. basically NOTHING melodic. melodies=sadness=memories. angry loud heavy music=mwahaha. today really sucked. it was just....oh man so aggrivating. some people..they just GOD they're so stupid. but mostly gapper. she told me today that she was going to send me to OR. um...WHY????? i don't do anything bad in that class, i don't defy her, i don't even really disrupt it in any way. do you know what she was going to send me for?? she was going to send me to OR because she's so sick of 'dealing' with me...and how i take my sweet time to get out my work and how i talk a lot. first of all, i don't talk loud enough to disrupt anyone, i just talk to my friends in that class and the majority of the time it's actually about developing my art ideas. SHE is sick of dealing with ME???? and then sure i don't have very much work done, but i'm not doing anything BAD. certainly nothing that deserves OR. honestly the woman hates me. and here is proof. you need to have a few steps to get sent to OR in the first place (i had none), and the only time that's ever overridden is when the kid is being awful. like swearing or beating someone or like brings a gun into class and threatens...i did NOTHING of the sort (even though i may have wanted to...) the woman is insane. oh ok let's send her to OR because i don't like the fact that she is discussing things with other students and takes her time to get out her work. and this isn't just me being blind to what i did wrong...everyone around me was like what the hell was that about??(when she pulled me outside to talk to me) and i was like she's sending me to OR. and they're like wtf why??? ---because they all know that i didn't do anything wrong, nor deserving of punishment. the best part is why she changed her mind. because she didn't want to impair her perfect record of never having a student even get a step, much less OR. oh...i'm so glad i didn't damage your delicate record...how ever would i have lived with myself...*rolls eyes* but amazingly i was extremely polite to her the whole time that she's telling me this. she's basically telling me how much of a pain in her ass i am (i never do anything that would in any way affect her, i'm very passive with my annoying qualities like ooh talking), how much she wanted to send me to OR and how much i don't belong in the AP class, that i'm as immature as a junior high kid (ha. ask anyone who really knows me, i think they'll disagree)...and all this as i'm nodding my head saying oh ok. i'm sorry, i didn't realize...ok ok...oh ok...i'm being annoyingly polite through all this. oh yeah, i'm the immature one. nice. god if i hated her before...that was nothing compared to now. especially since i KNOW she hates me too. luckily jenn was kind enough to give me a ride home and i offered to buy her lunch for her troubles. we went to taco bell where i ate like a PIG. god i disgust myself. lol. there were a million cops out. like there were just so many cops...we must have seen 11 of em (heh. yes 11) and then she saw crystal sitting on the grass being talked to by a cop (yes another one) i was SOOO bummed that i missed it. but it's ok, we were blasting ozzy through thee streets of thee scv...so all is well. i'm in a much better mood than i would have been had we not gone to lunch. puke, imagine if i had to take the bus. woulda made my day so much worse....
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