Love Questions (part one)

fairly long quiz. but it's about it's pretty interesting... read if you please. 1)How many times can you honestly say youve been in love?:: once. 2)How many serious boyfriends/Girlfriends have you had?:: technically none, but i made it serious in my head (see above question) 3) When was your first date & who was it with?:: i've never technically been on a 'date'...unless you count coming over to my house. then like 6 months ago... 4) Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?:: not necessarily limited to one, but i do like to think i'm meant to find love. it's what keeps me going. 5) When do you think that youll get married?:: i honestly don't think i'll ever get married. but if i did get married...i'd prefer early twenties but it's more likely to be 27. 6) Do you think that you should become friends with someone before dating them?:: 100% positive that this works. definitely want to be their friend first. it's how you build something stronger than that stupid shit where you're just trying to make a good impression the whole time. 7) Do you believe that opposites attract?:: for some, but not for me. i need to have things in common with someone. but for some it can work really well. 8) What traits do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: hmm...sweet, affectionate, funny, gentle, intelligent, passionate (about me or something he likes to do), sometimes i'm attracted to the quiet mysterious guy in the corner...other times i'm attracted to the life of the party. it depends. 9) What is your dream date?: um...just being with the person...i don't really care what we do.... 10) Have you ever had your heart broken?:: once. far too recently. i don't think i'm ever going to trust anyone enough to get that close again... 11) Where do you want your wedding to take place?:: i don't care. i just know i want it to be at night. well maybe a beach.... 12) What kind of music do you want to have played at your wedding?:: swing music 13) Where do you want to go for your Honeymoon?:: Ireland 14) What do you think about long-distance relationships?:: if that's how it's not worth it...but if you two were together and in love then it had to become long distance for whatever reason, it could work. 15) Your thoughts on online relationships?:: worthless.... 16) Would you rather date someone five years older or five years younger than you?:: older definitely... 17) When did you have your first kiss?:: um...july 28th 2005... lol it's pathetic that i remember the date. but that's when it happened... 18) Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend?:: ...yep 19) Are you a hopeless romantic?:: completely and entirely with all of my soul. 20) Are the romantic type?:: um yeah? 21) Do you believe the statement, Once a cheater always a cheater?: depends. if the guy was cheatING...then yeah. if he cheatED once...then not necessarily. 22) Do you read romance novels?:: nope...but my mommy does lol. 23) Do most of your stories & poems you write revolve around love?:: stories=yes. poems=no. i can't write love poetry. it's all too cheesy....i usually do dark stupid shit. 24) Have you ever fallen for a pen pal?:: no 25) Have you ever been in a love triangle?:: not really. though it would be fun...but only if i were the ophelia of it all. 26) Must love be felt to be truly understood?:: of course. 27) Are you a shy lover or a vibrant lover?:: hmm. i don't know for sure yet, but i imagine it would be vibrant... 28) Do you believe that marriage is something sacred?:: it can be, if you let it. 29) Are you for or against couples living together without getting married?:: for.....definitely. it helps you really get to know them. 30) Have you ever asked someone out on a date?:: i don't think so. 31) Ever been stood up on a date?:: not yet... 32) Have you ever loved someone it hurt & you cried?:: yeah, i remember wondering why the fuck i was crying.... coz i wasn't sad for once... 33) Are you/Have you ever been married?:: yep, and divorced ;) 34) Did you go to prom, if so, with who?:: wasn't old enough yet. i am this year. but i'm probably not going... 35) Do you/Did you enjoy school dances?:: the only part i enjoy is dressing up and being asked out by the guy you like (the second one has yet to happen) 36) How many kids do you want to have?:: IF i have any...1 or 2.... 37) Is there someone who you really like at the moment?:: no. i'm getting over it. moving on. so no, i'm exceptionally single. 38) Have you ever been secretly in love?:: yes 39) Have you ever sent someone something on Valentines Day?:: nope. 40) Have you ever had a secret admirer?:: ha. no. 41) Have you ever been a secret admirer?:: heh yeah coz i was a chicken shit. 42) Do you read Shoujo manga?:: schvat? 43) Do you usually fall for a wrong guy/girl or the right guy/girl?:: i usually fall for the right kind of guy. the ones that i really fall for... 44) Are you a lover or a fighter?:: i fight for love. 45) What do you think about interracial couples?:: fine with me. no one should care...just leave em be.... 46) Do you believe in divorce?:: sometimes people make mistakes. marriage can be one of them. so yeah. 47) Are you parents still together or are they divorced?:: together 48) What is your favorite color on the opposite sex?:: black. 49) What are your views on gay marriages?:: leave them be. we all deserve love... 50) Do you think its okay for best friends to become couples?:: yeah, it can make some of the greatest relationships... 51) Have you ever broken someones heart?:: i sincerely doubt it. 52) Have you ever been given or given roses?:: nope. 53) Do you have an ideal mate?:: yes. somewhat... 54) Have you ever been to a dating site?:: been to it but not like tried to join...i just was bored and looked around. no good prospects yet. 55) If so, what did you do there?:: i like looking at all the desperate ugly people. it makes me giggle.<----i agree with care. yep. that's what i did. :)
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