new beginnings.

Feeling: nice
[.5 details about you.] 1.) i can surf! 2.) im in love with the vice principal of my school! 3.) im a creative writer! 4.) i fucking love taking back sunday! 5.) im going to school at UCF in 2 years with my party buds! [.5 details about your appearance right now.] 1.) brendas gray soccer shirt 2.) my hair is wicked curly and down 3.) Ezekiel jeans 4.) make up is a little smudged from the day 5.) i have no shoes on [.5 things you did yesterday.] 1.) did some homework 2.) ate some burger kiiing :) 3.) went to school 4.) realized i was in love with mr. v! haaaaa 5.) jammed out to TBS in homeroom [.5 memorable things you did in the last year.] 1.) went to florida with eric and jeremy and learned how to surf 2.) met taking back sunday & piebald! 3.) became best friends with ivan and created the 4 party buds and college plans 4.) went out with matt tye 5.) partied like crazy with erin [.5 favorite movies.] 1.) Blue Crush 2.) Scary Movie 3 3.) Love & Sex 4.) Brown Sugar 5.) Riding In Cars With Boys [.5 things that make you happy.] 1.) taking back sunday 2.) seeing mr. V 3.) dancing 4.) singing 5.) my awesomly amazing friends [. 5 things that impress you.] 1.) standing up for other people 2.) not caring what people think of you 3.) kicking ass and taking names ;) (kinda like mr.v! hahahahahahaha) 4.) being genuinely nice to you all the time 5.) mr.V [.5 things that don't impress you.] 1.) self-centered ness 2.) being an asshole 3.) mood swings 4.) making people feel uncomfortable 5.) trying too hard [.five things you can live without.] 1.) winter 2.) snow 3.) being cold 4.) my town 5.) my school [.five things you can’t live without.] 1.) taking back sunday 2.) the ocean 3.) TV 4.) pictures 5.) music
Read 3 comments
Hey. You're a Jenn..with two "n"s. I'm a Jenn wth two "n"s. Haha. You sound like an awesome person.

hmm vice principal thats very intresting...why are you in love with him?
ahh ive wanted to go ucf since forever too!