
Listening to: incubus - pardon me
Feeling: romantic
i have coconut/ palm tree/ strawberry/ drink smelling candles all over my room. it looks so damn pretty. do you realize how calm you can make yourself by meditating? i know it sounds dumb but honestly.. i love all the things i learn in health class. mr perricone is like my savior. i ended up not going to the movies. i had like a huge anxiety attack when brenda's dad got here. i wasnt ready/ i had no money/ i was worried about something/ and rychelle told me that matt was saying shit about me at his swim practice. AAHHHHH. come onnn now. things were just going fine in my life. i told you all that it would be ruined. i hope i'm wrong. pleaseprovemewrong. please.
Read 17 comments
will do :)
lmao yea heath class will never be boring cuz mr. perricone is a psyco
You have no idea how amazed I am that of all people in the world to read my thing, you did. Wow - I'd loooove to see you too! It'll be after April sometime but I'll keep in touch and let you know! I'm gonna add you to my 'friends' thing because I have none and feel anti-social..hahah..
shit...this world is waaaaay to small! of course I remember you - how could I not?! Same music, huh? I'm comming up to New York in the spring maybe I'll see ya?
itll get betterrrr guys are assholes haha i LOVE you
sex. somewhere near you
yeah thats my favorite song
mcdonalds theme song?

im lovin' it ;)
What's with these homies, dissing my girl?
Why do they gotta front?
What did we ever do to these guys
That made them so violent?
Woo-hoo, but you know I'm yours
Woo-hoo, and I know you're mine
Woo-hoo, and that's for all time

Oo-ee-oo I look just like Buddy Holly
Oh-oh, and you're Mary Tyler Moore
Jenn-Fer mr pariconme is my savior too that shit we learned about metitation today seriously helped me out BIG time stress reliver hahah let me tell you
its comic sans MS and its size 1 i think :)
i can do that :)
i luv your diary.. all the quotes :) and its pretty interesting to read! :)
mary tyler moore show?

its old school :)
i couldnt think of who i wanted and i had a weezer song stuck in my head

im buddy holly youre mary tyler moore :)
aww thanks

youre a good boy
so i dont trust you

-mary tyler moore