lived through my first house party

i think rachel (skyline) said it all when she said if she were to write about last night then it wouldnt come off half as fun/ funny as it really was. it was the best night of my summer so far, and probably the second best night of my life. my parents went out of town for the night and i had mark, brion, brenda, rachel, ashley, bean, flo, and bert over for my first house party, that i was throwing anyway. we watched the homerun derby for a little bit cause flo's a meathead, jumped on the trampoline, talked, laughed, whatever. then they broke out the Ice 101 and we took some shots but it tastes like fucking mouthwash and my stomach sucks at handling alcohol, it burns so bad so fast. i had some coconut rum that i wasnt gonna drink but i had about 7 shots of that but its like nothing and it cant really get you that drunk, and flo and bert ended up drinking SO MUCH of it, and i had to fill it back up with water. bean was pretty drunk and he was spraying my neighbors window with the hose, then he got me soaking wet. he found a closet that i didnt even know existed in my house and tried to stab me with the flag that was in it. we had SO much fun all night. we ended up going for a walk at about 2 and some lady came out and said she was gonna call the cops on us so we start running down my hill and bean fucking eats SHIT on the ground, the kid just did a front flip down my hill cause he tried jumping on the curb, and we had to help him inside and he couldnt walk all night, he was about to cry and shit. so naturally, flo brenda and i were crying we were laughing so hard and bean was getting so pissed. flo is the most energetic person alive and i love him to death because everytime we hang out we become better and better friends, and we were trying to spy on two people ;) hehehe and i slammed my forehead so hard into this thing sticking out of the wall and i have a bruise there now :( hahaha finally at 4:30 everyone went downstairs but i fell asleep on the couch for an hour, then flo and i tried sleeping together on the floor but i didnt wanna share the blanket so he went back downstairs and i woke up at 7:30 cause brion was leaving for summer school. ashley is the cuutest sweetest person ever, she helped me clean up all night and i felt her give me a kiss this morning i was like awww!! i fucking love her i dont know what i would have done without her! :) everyone ended up leaving at 8:30ish, and brenda comes back to my door and hands me this plant that my mom has in our living room because bert and bean ended up putting it in their car last night when everyone was drunk. how random is that? lol it was the funniest night EEEEEVVVERRR, theres some quotes that ill never forget for as long as i live. pictures will be posted as soon as i get them developed :) "I'm one of two things, either jesus christ reincarnated or the anti-christ." - Bean "What night is it?" (The 12th, but the morning of the 13th) "It's goin down in my profile as the night Bean became handicapped." - Flo (with windex in my hand)" BEAN, IF YOU DONT PUT THE FLAG DOWN IM GOING TO SQUIRT YOU." (bean walking upstairs) (i squirt him) "Youre going to pay for that tonight." (bean walking out back at 2 AM) "FUCK YOU NEIGHBORS!!" rachel: do you think youll be better by tomorrow? bean: what do i look like ms fucking cleo? bean: "i'm half chinese you fucking racist." me: flo lets slapbox! (2 seconds after beating my ass) flo: WHO WANTS TO GO FOR ANOTHER WALK?! ^ ( thats just showing how hes the most energetic/ ADD kid alive at 4 AM sigh, i love my kids.
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im the king of the no pats
Jen, i love you way more. Im always here to help you take care of drunk kids haha It was no problem helping you out because it was my job and i didnt want you to get in trouble. I had such a good time. So many good memories that night lol I love you :-)