Feeling: mad
i woke up so horny today. hahhaaaa. you all wanted to know that i bet? :) well anyways Ovaltine is wicked good so go drink some. so today i think the party buds are coming over to chill for awhile, and i have to babysit Adam tonight so brendas coming with me. and just to let you know, if you live anywhere besides New York, do us a favor and NEVER complain. the past few days we have been the coldest state in the united states! its literatly been like 30 below. my toes and fingers are frozen together, its like living in a fucking igloo. RARR. fuck you Ashley, going to Mexico and leaving us stranded here. you suckkkk ;) AHHH im so cold. neil starts driving to school on monday :DD correction : i get a ride to school and dont have to take the fucking bus with 6th graders screaming blow job the whole ride and thinking there bad. thanks a bunch :) * * * * meet me in outerspace. i will hold you close if your afraid of heights. how do you do it, make me feel like i do. how do you do it, its better than i ever knew. {yourstellar}
Read 6 comments
I dont know How i got it to do that. It just sort of worked out like that lol. Thanks I like your Diary too. More Ovaltine Please....A christmas Story! hahah i love it.
i woke up horny too!
sorry, that was me
even though i'm retarted..I LOVE YOU..lmao

Aw I woke up unhorny :(
AND went to sleep unhorny >:(
AMEN to that shit! NY is the fucken coldest state in the world and for all you CALI kids that are complaiing cuz it 65 out.....come live here for a week where its -20 every day!