oh yeah, you too>

*What Would You Do If Someone Called You A Slut?: laugh? if they were serious id say like well it would take sleeping with numerous amounts of people to be a slut but its okay, youre in high school so dont worry about it you need to be slapped ;) *Have You Ever Electrocuted Yourself?: yess in 7th grade erin and i were gonna curl my hair for a dance and next thing we know it caught on fire and i went to grab it and got electrocuted :( *At About What Age Do You Think People Get Really Boring?: cant really say cause some people are boring at my age and some people are crazy cool at my gramas age *Would You Ever Consider Getting Pregnant At 16?: nooo thanks *Are You Wonderful?: just peachy baby *Who Would You Never Sleep With?: any maine endwell inhabitant, if you havent noticed everyone has fucking herpes *Do You Know Anybody With Purple Hair?: not at this moment but i have *Are There Any Normal People In This World?: yes *Are Clouds Really Marshmallows?: i hope so *Did Your Mom Ever Drop You On Your Head When You Were A Baby?: haha actually yes, she turned around for like one second while she was changing my diaper on my gramas bed and i rolled off and my gramas bed is reallly high up *Are You Absolutely Insane?: sometimes *Do Jumping Beans Really Make You Jump: well you dont eat them? *Do You Enjoy Singing 100 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall: yay 5th grade bus trips *Have you ever smelled the rain?: i love the smell outside when its going to rain or already is/has *Have you ever had someone from your past suddenly appear?: oh yes :/ *Have you ever seen true beauty?: i think i look at him at least 5 days out of 7 :-O *Have you ever felt that someone was more beautiful because of their flaws?: yes. kinda runs parellel with my above answer *Have you ever cried because you felt good?: i remember a few times *Have you ever seen a grown man cry?: yeah *Have you ever needed to be held?: yes :( *Have you ever been really sick?: obviously? *Have you ever made a snowman in your front yard?: SIIII *Have you ever known what it was like to love and be loved in return?: mhmm *Have you ever had a crush?: no. ? *Have you ever had a kiss?: yesss :) *Have you ever tried to write poetry but ended up throwing it away?: i fucking hate poetry *Have you ever seen something terribly sad happen right before your eyes?: yuhhh *Have you ever experienced true happiness?: yes *Have you ever given a love letter? yes *Have you ever tried to make someone feel better, just because you saw they were down?: yes *Have you ever wanted to be a kid again?: mucho *Have you ever blown big bubbles with pink gum?: yay *Have you ever lost a love?: :( *Have you ever experienced puppy love?: aha ya *Have you ever experienced love at first sight?: mhmm *Have you ever tried to tell someone something but the words wouldn't come out?: all the time *Have you ever had a really good time with your best friends?: no thats why im friends with them.. ? *Have you ever told them how much they mean to you? yesss *Have you ever told your parents you love them? everydayy *Have you ever played with your old toys from childhood? YES! there more fun now:)
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shut up you aren't as punk rock as me so deal with it..