
Listening to: Zero 7 - Destiny
Feeling: wasted
ah yes, summer. it's.. 4 months away. this is the point when we have all had enough of winter, and everyones in bad moods and grumpy because it SUCKS here. good, well better, weather should be in about two months, but remember last year? it snowed over spring break. UGH. i mean how could you not love summer? obviously no school. but going to bed at sunrise, waking up at 11-ish, lay outside and tan, run the treadmill and workout, head off to the pool with everyone.. nights of running around with your friends, skirts and flip flops, skin glistening, itchy sunburns, cool breezes, AHHH.. how excitiinggg. i hope im getting everyone stoked :D this summer is going to be the best of the best. everyone will be driving, there will be more to do, ill have moneeeey cause ill have a job.. OHMAAAANNNNN. im gonna make it a point to hang out with EVERYONE at least once. that means jessie, and daniella, and kyle, and dan, and AHHHH everyone :) blackish persona is here so i'm out for now, leave some sunshine ;)
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okay some deff stokage going on in my mind now, sure thanks jenn =) and annnnd fooo shooo will will hang out tons!
ahh you always get me soo excited for summer i just cant wait i hope its the bestt one yet loove you
