i hate thinking of titles for these

"its been such a long time since i've wrote" you know the cliche line everyone uses.. just an update, watched the VMA's last sunday @ rachels with brenda. worked monday 1-5, dont remember what the hell i did after. oh yeah, i went out with ivan brenda & rachel just driving around. tuesday i got ice cream @ joeys with rachel & ashley, then worked 5-9. then brenda rachel & ashley slept over and we went to walmart with bean, then justins house out in Port Dick. we went high speed racing through the streets with beans car without bean haha we did some crazzzzzy ass shit dudes, you dont even know. it was extremely scary but supposedly justin knew what he was doing. we slept at my house then i took everyone home in the morning and went back to sleep all day. wednesday i went out driving with ivan to maine and rachels house. we hung out at his house for awhile and he tried throwing me down the stairs, hes wicked cool like that you know. got eaten alive in the woods too i think i prooooooobably have west nile :) haha then i went school shopping @ American Eagle and Pacsun. ashley slept over and we went to walmart, dennys, and beans grandparents house with bean & flo. we played poker and i won like 4 hands which rocked cause it was only my first time playing. then we went to floral park and got scared of getting kicked out, then to highland park. i took ashley to practice in the morning then i had work from 1-5. after work i went to taco bell with brenda then to visit my grama. i needed one night of just being alone and doing nothing so that was last night. today i went to chenango forks to hang out with flo with ashley rachel & brenda. we went to tommys house and mcdonalds and to look at the amazing houses. not sure whats going on tonight cause ashley & rachel are at the dome for our schools first big game of the season. thats actually where everyone is haha i think they're stopping by later hopefuullyyy. school in six fucking days. where the hell did the summer go?
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HEYA its branden new diary check it out
you be patient and I'll attend.
Would you update for god's sake?
-kyle the stampede