and i can hear the memory in my ear

Listening to: the rocket summer
Feeling: annoyed
HEY! i know so many people must read this haha so ive gotta keep them updated, or at least myself. last thursday brenda brion and i went to a local show at Phrank's, this place we went to awhile back with ivan in like freakin october. we were early so we walked to KFC and sat down for like 30 minutes and then some ass fucking hole started bitching at us cause we werent eating. so we went back to the show and stood on the porch and everyone was a fucking asswad. it totally validated EVERYTHING i think about this town. who fucking sits in a window screaming at people and spitting on them and throwing cigarettes at them? well none other than the gay assholes that go to binghamton shows. it pissed me off so bad, and it was like an hour late at this point so we were annoyed, i only went to see one band play, Eat Your Heart Out, cause ive heard awesome things about them but never seen them play before. we ended up leaving cause it was lame as hell anyway. hopefully ill get to see them play another time at a different place. friday i picked up brenda rachel ashley and emilee and we went and ate and just drove around. we went back to my place and got ready, then met bean & flo at the moooovies. we saw Anchorman, fucking f u n n i e s t movie ive ever seen. then brenda brion and i went to go check out this party with bean & flo at state park but we ended up being not able to get in, so we drove around and i got home at 1. saturday brenda lorin and i went swimming at Ang's, then i saw Anchorman again with my parents. suuunday i just went to the mall with brenda, then we went out bar hopping in Binghamton with mark, and i met this kid Steve through marks because he told me has the new TBS cd allllready, so today i met him at the mall before he went to work and he gave me it and ive already heard most of the songs but seriously, its so amazing. i'm gonna buy it anyway next week too :) then brenda ashley and i went to vestal and hung out with dan and matt powell in barnes and noble, went to a & w to eat the best food ever thennn i went home and took a nap in the sun 8) now me and brenda are just chillen here ANNNNNND no one reads this anyway haha soooo PAYCE ;) i miiisss rachel michele d'angelo!! :(
Read 6 comments
I read it.
Mmm TBS.
Sorry, I was in my friends diary, my diary is rabiddog.
I LOVE YOU JEN...i gotta tell you about my scary as hell dream
jen, i not only love your diary but i love you too :* remember our hand shake haha later duude, see ya tomorrow
heyyy now, i read your diary all the time
eyho is amazing, maybe its just cause of atom and alex :X I LUFF YOU