heart attacks.

Listening to: from autumn to ashes
Feeling: nothing
i hate driving with my dad more than i hate life itself. that's a lot. he gave me two heart attacks while driving today.. the first one was more my own fault, i brought just my wallet with me so i wouldn't forget my permit and in the zipper change part i have the two little boxes from the condoms that chrissy and i played with in florida. i handed him my wallet and realized that they were in there, he didn't even touch the zipper or have any intentions on touching it but i just about freaked out and grabbed it back, leaving him most likely suspicious about what might be inside. but the one that was his fault.. theres this intersection right past our highschool and theres two lanes, one that you can turn left or right and the other one is for cars turning up into that intersection. he's always on my ass about staying over the left because i'm too close to the curb.. so as we're about 20 feet from the intersection he starts screaming GET IN THE LEFT LANE, GET IN THE LEFT LANE! well the left lane is the lane for cars turning up into it.. i knew that but when people are screaming at you to do something that they mistakingly meant to say stay to the left because they like to ride peoples asses about every damn thing they do, it makes it hard to do the right thing. so i fucking ended up in the wrong lane, it wasnt that big of a deal because there was no traffic and the cars on the other side were willing to back up so i could pull in the right lane. but no, let's get out of the car and make an ass of both of us. anyways :) i applied for a job at coconuts last night, the guys there were so funny and made me put all this retarted stuff on the application cause they said the manager was like young and hired people with a good sense of humor. i got the static lullaby cd because erics been telling me to buy it for like 5 months now. good stuff, i liked there song the shooting star that destroyed us all for awhile now. how shitty is it that today is our last day of spring break. FUCCCCK. but i'm not that bummed to go back to school. it's always easier to go to school when it's fucking warm out. FINALLY. it wont last for long but in the mean time im stoked :) ivan comes home tomorrowwwwww, i feel bad for him. coming back here is the worst feeling humanly possible. i said all weekend that i was going to get my haircut but i didnt haha i really didnt feel like interacting with the human race much this weekend. now that i know how to work my dads scanner im going to post pictures all the time. wee :) alright i think im gonna wash my unpacked clothes because i have nothing better to do.. later lovers
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hows the CD? i heard about them a long time ago, and finally listened to a song the other day. I had something else to say but i completaly forgot ash
Thats okay Jen my dad's ever so annoying phrase when i'm driving is....TURN TURN TURNNNNNN! i was likw ummmmmmmmmmm i KNOW THAT!