
Feeling: torn
woo.. it's 7:39 a.m. right now, i'm in homeroom. so fucking tired this morning. haven't been this tired in awhile. oh well, stop the complaints :) i went off on AAR this morning, i haven't listened to them since the summer. it was refreshing? ;) it's already Wednesday, four day weeks are the best. and since i only go to school wednesday and friday of next week, i am fucking stoked. shouldn't we have just had january like completely off? we went to school a total of a week and a half. the rest were snow days, hour delays, being sick, martin luther king, and in the beginning of the month we were stil on christmas break. hi rychelle ;) holler? it's day three, which means no math AIS or lab. S T O K A G E. study hall is my life. and in case you hadn't noticed this entry is completely pointless, but i'm bored and it's way early and i'm in homeroom and that means i'm in school and that means i'm probably not in the best mood. chubby little boys are so cute :) haha. rarr i'm leaving, i got eleven comments last entry, LETS KEEP ON ROCKIN'!
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UM fuck you FYI i AM wicked punk D U U U H HHHHH ;0 stay black yo..

