show them just how vicious you can be

Feeling: immature
why cant my computer speakers go any louder? i have to have loud music to be able to enjoy it, haha just ask alex brion & brenda! since the whole trip they must have told me 267 times that "they could hear my music over theirs". what a bunch of fags ;) ive been so tired the past 2 days because i got next to no sleep over the weekend. welllll worth it of course. except for math class allll my classes are done, its just review for the next 13 days. pretty stoked about that. definately doesnt feel like the end of the year butttt whos complaining! i looove how ive actually had a life the past month or so, its been damn fun. last night i hung out with ivan {ew i know} and we basically just talked about how uhhh rockin? our school is :) brion kevin and i were gonna stay after for mrs betza cause shes been telling us that we could/should, okay more like DEMANDING it and guess what? we go up there and she has some gay fucker meeting where all the cuntrag asshole mother fucker AP kids are, seriously their all such fucking assholes to us when we get to 4th period early. however im supposed to get 12 labs done within a week id love to know if she ISNT THERE or LIES TO US. i dont feel too bad about the labs i owe cause brendan lainhart said he owes 17, idk if he was just exagerating but i was like cool! so that was a waste of 10 minutes that i could have just gone home in, so we found tiera & scared drew off cause hes like paranoid about riding in cars with people? haha then we got alana and all drove home. tonight im going out with some cool kids, ashley rachel & brenda. going to vestal to visit our friend at taco bell, read some sex books at barnes & noble and ashleys gotta get something at AC Moore. we'll most likely be in taco bell the whole time, and maybe i can choke and spit out my food like last time :) friday brenda and i are going to the city for the night!! SO stoked. going to the village, which equals emo artsy boys who have deep personalities and have this thing that boys dont have around here, called a heart or something? and we get to stay with her alcoholic grama, lmao she is the BEST. maybe we'll get tipsy with her :) ill bring a camera just in case. i wish more shows were coming up. if we dont have any finals/ regents on the 18th of june or something we might go see fallout boy if the place there playing at is relatively close. i love the cover of sugarcults new cd, if i had photoshop or whatever id take the part that says sugarcult off of it and use it on here. but i dont so fuck you :) well for now i think im gonna go lay down or something, holler at a player.
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Jenn, I need your help. How do you post pictures? yes, I'm still having trouble with that :-/ haha..
thanx for leaving me a comment. You seem very cool, i mean come on... if you know the pillows you rock!