it was late in september, and id seen you before.

Listening to: mix from 9th grade
Feeling: grand
stayed home today. literatly the worst headache ive ever had, i was all dizzy and couldnt see straight. it SUCKED. no amount of medicine could have touched that sucker. after it finally let up i re-arranged my room because i couldnt stand to look at the computer screen. my legs are killllling me now, my bed is so heavy and i scratched the shit out of my floor with the wheels of this ignorant stubborn fucking desk. found 9th grade mix cds. sadnessssss x79786636. happy birthday erin rose mckinney i lovvvve you. it sounds gay but i found those cds on her birthday and i think thats why i found them, i believe in all that sign bullshit. anyways-- lorin picked me & brion up and we went back to pick up brenda as she proceeded to moon us and jumped on the hood of the van, haaaaaaahahaha. we were in such silly gay moods, at the tanning place we were making these gay faces & laughing for no reason. we all went in for like 16 minutes which is like way too long because the bulbs at this place are EXTREME because there super new, so we all got so red and were sweating and dieing when we came out. how fun, we risk our health for shits & giggles :) im going to kill my cd player. well actually im going to kill myself for leaving my cds on the floor for years at a time then expect them to play perfectly when they have holes in them. later days ;)
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haaa yes we always do, and funny thing i re did my room kinda too:) hahhaa what lazzzy shits we must be.
i know u dont like me anymore :o(
hahah thanks baabe
i love tbs