how sweet.

Listening to: senses fail
Feeling: horny
i absolutely love Eric. we don't get to talk a whole hell of a lot anymore but when he calls it's like we haven't missed one day. i'm more stoked than ever to see him over spring break, especially with brenda! i also love how jessy tries to talk to him as if he actually cares. it's all good :) we're going to the warped tour fucking two times this summer, it's gonna be insane. i think yesterday 12 people asked me if i was going and if they could meet me there, i was flattered :) it's gonna be crazy this year. the one in NJ brenda and i get to surf at!! im SO stoked for that. they have crazy good waves near Atlantic City which is right near this one's at, then we're going to the one at Darian Lake where everyone goes. i cant wait to see TBS again and chill with them all, hopefully get to surf a few waves with them! ahhhh. mall time. later brahs.
Read 3 comments
u better meet me there too :o)

excuse me, but is it a probelm if jessy wants to talk to her fucking ex boyfreind, get that fucking TBS cd out of your ass and grow the fuck up.~peace
Ha whoever that is jen really needs to get a life!!!! fuck jessy...sorry if shes still wants YOUR cuz. ha PEACE
Dr. Shivago