
Feeling: whiney
aw man it's been a few days since the site when all weirdo, i've been missing you all. nothing has happened really. neil finally started driving to school, which means cold walks a mile over to his car after school, which rocks because he's so fun and his car is kickass. and today was histarical. he picked me and brenda up, we pop in Aphex Twin - Milkman, and fucking RIP up the back parking lot. so fucking funny. we had the sunroof open and all the windows, blasting this inappropriate song, and some old ladies were coming out of the district office, kurt shafer was coming out of the pool area, and all these people were waiting for their parents. histarical. english midterm started today, pretty easy. everyone explained the critical lens to me before so it was easier, somehow i still only managed to do the intro paragraph, rofl. i have horrible test anxiety. it's those times when you suddenly remember that memories of going to the zoo when you were little are more interesting than writing, and before you realize it, Mrs. Moyer is saying "okay, staple the papers and pass them forward, you'll have tommarow to finish." Ugh. half the people in my class are almost done, so i have to kick ass tommarow. oh yeah, i'm going to new york city next thursday!! i'm sooo stoked dudes, i've never been there before, and i only live four hours away from it. it's through our school, cause the Costa Ricans are visiting for a few weeks, and erin erica rychelle and maleica are going, total stokage. it's gonna be funny as hell. we're going to the empire state building, statue of liberty, times sqaure (past the MTV studios, hopefully get to be on TRL :D) and rockefellar center. everyones telling me they can't wait to see my face when we get there, since they've seen my expressions to the buildings in Binghamton, there like twenty feet high and im astonished, rofl. it should be sweet as hell. it's 7:30 and i'm hella tired, and it's thursday so at least no good shows are on. might hit the sack early tonight. :D keep on rockin.
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my milkshake brings all the boys from the yard
yeah. emo sucks. times square is a shithole. the empire state building i s just another target. jeah jeah 607

-breaker of adolescent hearts.