red red red.

Listening to: Capleton
Feeling: amused
..:..Basics..:.. {Name} Jenn {D.o.B.} 3.29.88 {P.o.B.} Cape Cod, Massachussettes {Age} 15 {Height} 5'7 {Current Location} new york {Do you like it?} oh i think you know. {Place you wanna live} Flagler, Santa Cruz, or Oahu {Why?} Flagler because i know everyone and ive been there 200 times, Santa Cruz cause erin and matt said its awesome and its california, and Oahu so i can surf pipe. {Are you single?} yes {Do you like it that way?} most of the time yeah, but sometimes it would be nice to have a boyfriend again. {Why/Why not?} having a boyfriend is nervewrecking, id rather just be getting ass from a friend. ..:..Favorites..:.. {Color} pink [Why?] it's bright and vibrant. {Movie} Blue Crush [Why?] inspirational {TV show} Real World [Why?] inspirational {Actor} Adam Brody [Why?] funny as hell, and oh so gorgous. {Actress} Molly Shannon [Why?] im exactly like her {Music} Emo [Why?] it can make you happy or depressed, the lyrics are right on and its just good stuff. {Singer/Band/etc.} Gwen Stefani, The Used [Why?] ive liked Gwen since 2nd grade, and the used just gets me so pumped. {Person from a band/group/etc.} Bert McCracken, and Adam Lazzara [Why?] they both have amazing voices. {Song} The Used - Poetic Tragedy [Why?] so much meaning behind that song, bert sounds amazing. {Musical Instrument} Drums [Why?] it's the beat that you tap your feet to, so its hella catchy. {Food} chinese food [Why?] its different {Non-Alcoholic Beverage) SunKist [Why?] orange. {Alcoholic Beverage} Skyy Blue [Why?] taste it, then you tell me. ..:..Friends..:.. {Best friends} brenda, ivan, & brion. {Close friends} neil, erin, jen, jessie, melissa, jessica, ashley, tiera {Funniest} brenda. {Funnest} haha is that even a word? {Shyest} ivan {Loudest} erin {Slowest} kevin edwards, kevin selby & heather pomeroy, im not that close to any of them but theres definatley no one slower than them. {Smartest} ivan, lucky bastard. {Tell your secrets to} brenda {Tell your dreams to} brenda, and neil. {Knew the longest} Maleica since kindergarden ;) {Look up to the most} hmm.. i dont think i really look up to any of my friends to tell you the truth. {Talk about guys with} uhh all of them? lol this is like a 7th grade survey. {Tell your problems to} brenda mostly, but anyone knows willing to listen? haha {Best advice} probably Ivan, and brenda of course :) {Best taste in clothes} brion. that kid.. his clothes are so hot. {Best taste in music} party buds. {Best taste in guys} brenda, her taste is cool. mine is unpredictable ;) {Weirdest} ivan, just cause his mood swings are worse than mine, if thats even humanly possible. :D {Similar music taste} party buds. {Similar taste in guys} absolutely no one, i mean seriously. anyone who knows me knows that im not the most shallow person you'll ever meet, haha. {Similar in clothes} brendaaa {Be yourself with) brenda ..:..Relationships..:.. {Current b/f g/f} no one. {Last b/f g/f} ugh.. matt. {Straight/bi/etc.} straight {Longest relationship} four official months, almost a year of on/ off again hooking up. {Shortest relationship} a week with andy walker? lmao at least i can admit it. {Most regreted relationship} i dont exactly regret it, but matt. im starting to slowly regret it. {Favorite relationship} probably paul, we were young and just having fun. {Current crush} i have a little crush on kevin, but i think its just cause he has the same style as me and hes fun to look at. {What is it that you like about him/her?} we have the same style, and taste in music. his surfer boy hair that covers his brown eyes. and hes got an awesome way of being the most mature person in his immature group of friends, who are also fun as hell to be around. {What do you like least?} he's hella shy, and sends mixed signals. {Best physical characteristic} oh were still talking about this crush? haha. mm.. his hair. {Worst physical characteristic} he's too skinny. {Best personality trait} when he comes around he's vibrant. {Worst personality trait} his shyness comes off as being an asshole sometimes. {Do you have a chance w/ him/her?} it depends, i dont know right now. maybe if we talked outside of school more. {Why/Why not?} like i said we dont really get a chance to talk much. maybe that will change :) ..:..You..:.. {Hair type} long and curly {Original Hair Color} platinum blonde {Do you like it?} well i did, until i moved to new york and it changed. {Dyed Hair color} brown. {Do you like it?} i guess, i havent dyed it in over a year. so its like brown blonde. {Color you want to dye it} dark brown, but everyone did it over break and im not going to. {Eye color} brown {Do you like it?} naw, its hella dark. {What would you change it to?} bright blue, or green. {Height} 5'7 {Height you wish you were} 5'8, or whatever. maybe shorter. {Anything about your body you don't like?} pretty much everything. {What? and Why?} everything, because. {Would you ever have surgery to fix it?} noo way. {Anything you like?} err..i guess. {What? and Why?} my legs, cause there tan, strong and in pretty good shape. {Best personality trait} sense of humor, i will laugh at anything. and i go out of my way to try and make others NOT feel like shit, unless there an asshole. {Why?} i think you should try to laugh about everything possible, and if you've been treated like shit than why would you want others to have to experience it? unless like i said, they deserve it. {Worst personality trait?} self- concious to the max. {Why?} i just cant seem to like myself. Could you ever become a ________? Why..Why not? {Doctor} if i was way smarter. {Dentist} not really. i dont like exploring strangers mouths, in that kinda way..haha {Nurse} no, it seems boring. {Singer} hell yeah. its all i ever do. {Actor/Actress} yeah, im about the best actress ever. {Model} if i was in better shape, but i dont think im tall enough. {Lawyer} yep, i argue about everything and always end up winning. {Writer} definately. i have one of the best writing skills in my grade. {Be in a Band} hell yeah, i love music and i can rock out. {Stripper} nah, why would anyone wanna get naked in front of old men? {Hooters Girl} consult with my answer above. {Bartender} hell yeah, i can spin bottles and catch them and shit. {Cashier} well yeah, i think anyone could do that. {Vetenarian} naw, i hate animals. {Mortician} who in there right mind would want to decorate dead people? {Groupie} of course. {Alcoholic} naw, i like drinking but not the hangovers. {Gold Digger} naw, i have too big of a heart. {Hooker} i dont really care for sleeping with strangers and getting aids, but thanks. ..:Thinking Questions..:.. If you were told to go to a Tropical Island, what 5 people of each sex would you take with you, and what 5 items and why? Boys: Alton(real world), Adam Lazzara(singer), Mr. Worden(sex), Mr. Van Fossen(sex), and Bert McCracken(singer). Girls: brenda(cant live without her haha), gwen stefani(singer), sanoe lake(surfer), brynn austin(real world), and Cara(real world). Items: endless food, endless cameras, loud ass stero, surfboards, hygene products If you won 28 million dollars, what would you do with it? get one of the most famous personal trainers, buy the turqouise and orange beach house in florida, and more than anything i would travel to every place ive ever wanted to go to with my friends and family :) If you had only a week to live what would you do? take all my friends to one awesome concert, go driving, have sex with as many people that ive wanted to have sex with, tell everyone how i feel about them whether its good or bad, make amends with everyone, go surfing with everyone, and convince everyone that i would be with them after i died. If you had the ability to bring one famous person back to life and meet them who would you choose and why? Bob Marley, hes amazing and i live for his music. Same as above except not famous? my grampa, he started the town of union and everything was actually good in this town before he got alzheimers. If you could go on tour with a band which band would you choose and why? mmm.. The Used or Taking Back Sunday, there so down to earth and they have so much fucking fun.
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hey doll :-*

i/m me at xoxhollywould & ill help you with yer hair & i love yer comments, yer so cute. &hearts.
jen i do not like to update my journal i really have nothing to wite about but yours keep me entertained
-dani ella