Listening to: taking back sunday
Feeling: headachy
WOW tomorrow through july is gonna be such a good time for new music. lots of bands new cds are coming out and i am STOKKKKED. anyway, on to my life that i know everyone just loves reading about. yesterday was ryan mckinneys graduation party. i went at like 2 and erin was at work til 3:30 so i was kinda just chillen alone, except her cousin jeff and her aunt michelle were there from Cali and i spent two weeks with them about a year and a half ago and we loved each other and JEFF, im going to marry him once the 2 1/2 year age gap shortens haha. so all of a sudden Mr. Distefano gets there and wow we havent seen each other in quite some time. we ended up talking for about an hour and a half, i hadnt even noticed erin got there. it was HOTT. then i hung out with ryan frick and i had to leave at 3:30 to go work at my brothers concession stand out in Maine. it was hella busy the whole time so time went by really fast. then i went home and got ready and went back to the party. erin malecia susan jeff and i hung out and talked for a few hours, then brenda met us at lower highland park and we walked to malecias gramas house. we ended up sitting on this sidewalk for like an hour down the street from rychelles gramas house, then finally jimmy and bill met up with us and they were going to get stuff to drink but we didnt wanna go with them so erin jana brenda and i walked to the Mobil and waited for this dude that erin knows who they call Petey Pablo, haaa. hes about oohhhhhh id say, 25 hahaha but hi? the nicest car ever? yaaaa. the SYSTEM in that shit was outrageous. so its like 11 o clock and he drives us to this party in Binghamton. it was cool though cause it wasnt shady at all so i felt good about it. the people there were hella chill and just really like open. this one dude wanted us to drink and brenda doesnt like to drink with people she doenst know and jana just doesnt drink at all but i was like whatever its summer and im not looking to get trashed i just want a little buzz so i took like 5 shots of this blue raspberry vodka and i thought my stomach was going to burn out of my belly button haha i usually suck at drinking but it was going down pretty easy and the guy was like HOLY SHIT cause i was drinking pretty fast lol everyone started smoking weed so we just went out on the porch and talked to this awesome guy named Fresh for like 2 hours. the guy we came with ended up leaving and pretty much ditched us so some guy gave us a ride home, he was awesome cause he stopped at a gas station and bought brenda pizza haha i started feeling pretty sick on the way home, i suck at holding my liquor :( but i ate a little bit and felt better so brenda and i spent the night at my gramas house. im not sure whats going on tonight, hopefully something though. its been a good summer already, we've done something every night so far :D laaaaaaater// Spell your first name backwards ? refinnej Are you a lesbian/queer ? not that i know of Where do you live ? New York 5 words that sum you up ? insane, confusing, loving, hopeful, funny DESCRIBE YOUR Wallet ? purple Roxy Hairbrush ? gay and black Toothbrush ? colgate wave, teal Jewelry worn daily ? hemp anklet, chain anklet, blue cowary bead necklace, & 2 real diamond rings :) Pillow cover? gay flowers? Blanket ? a bunch of colors Coffee cup ? beach scene Underwear ? right now bright pink Shoes ? quiksilver flip flops Handbag? an old cordoroy small messanger bag Favorite shirt ? uhh my brown used shirt that i still havent found Cologne/Perfume ? avon skin to skin, burberry brit, ralph lauren, roxy hula CD in stereo right now ? taking back sunday Tattoos ? none yet Piercings ? ears and tongue What you are wearing now ? brendas LA hoodie and black pants Hair ? in the process of air drying so extremely curly Makeup ? eyeliner and mascara WHO or WHAT (was/is/are) In my mouth? tongue ring In my head? warped tour and what im doing tonight After this ? watch tv and wait for plans Talking to? brennnnda Eating ? nothing Fetishes ? lots of stuff If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason ? nobody right now Person you wish you could see right now ? eric Is next to you ? a wall Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month? my license and the new TBS cd The last thing you ate? pizza Name three bad habits you have: 1.) dwellllling 2.) not being myself 3.) putting myself down Name four scents you love: 1.) burberry brit 2.) avon skin to skin 3.) ralph lauren 4.) coco-cabana Name four television shows you love: 1.) real world 2.) best week ever 3.) talk sex 4.) seinfeld Name four drinks you regularly drink: 1.) water 2.) mountain dew 3.) sprite remix 4.) pepsi Name four random facts about yourself: 1.) no matter how much TBS sells out due to maine endwell, i will always be their biggest fan. 2.) i like ushers new cd. 3.) im staring at a sticker that says americas mouse mat! right now 4.) im bored and i hope i can do something with erin jeff and brenda tonight EVER.... 1. Fallen for your Best Friend? mhmm :( 2. Been rejected? fuck no (haha right.) 3. Been in lust? everyday 4. Used someone? yea 5. Been used? most definately 6. Cheated on someone? not really 7. Been cheated on? yes 8. Done something you regret? nope LAST THING..... 11. You touched? my head 12. You talked to? dad 13. You hugged? grama 14. You instant messaged? brenda 15. You yelled at? mom or dad 16. You laughed with? brenda 17. You had a crush on? it doesnt matter 18. Who broke your heart? thanks DO YOU... 19. Color your hair? nah 22. Own a web cam? somewhere 23. Have aol? AIM 24. What should you be doing right now? nothing 25. What are you listening to? nothing 26. Can you do anything freakish with your body? probably 27. Chicken or fish? chicken 28 Do you have a favorite animal? puppies 29 Is ice cream the best thing in the world? no 1. What would your dream date be? going to a good show and hanging out all night at someones house where no parents are :) 2. Single flower or a dozen? dozen 3. Silver, gold or platinum? silver 4. Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? restaurant 5. Roses or wild flowers? wild 6. Silly or serious romance? right now, silly. just kidding because i dont know 7. Marvin Gaye or Barry White? hard decision 8. Do you consider yourself a romantic? if i want to be 9. Shy? nah 10. Boring ? no 12. The Lovey Dovey type? yup What have you done TODAY? Laughed? yes Helped someone? yes Dissected something? no Drank? yea at 12 this morning so the very first hour of the day :) Cut your hair? no Kissed someone? grama Missed someone? yea Told someone you love them? yeah Met someone new? nope Q. Who is your favourite Spice Girl? sporty Q. Favorite Disney Characters? Arial Q. Favorite fast food? burger king Q. Favorite book? lots Q. Favorite Sports teams? San Fran 49ers and Tampa Bay for hockey Q. Favorite song? lots Q. What room is your computer in? mine Q. What is your shoe size? 10 Q. What will you be when you grow up? health teacher Q. What are you doing right now? filling this out
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