presents = love

Feeling: faded
i officially love my family more than anything. if i got blessed with anything, its having the most fun, understanding, down to earth family ever. everyone came over for xmas eve, we havent had it at our house in awhile. but this is the first xmas that my grampa that just passed away in April hasn't been around for it, and my grama that i dont see that much is still just completely heart broken. and we had it at my aunts last year, where he was, so in order to make her feel better my mom thought it would make it easier to have it here. we all talked and ate and laughed our asses off. and had some deep moments, which i could tell made my other grama get a little down. i cant imagine losing the man that i had been married to and known for over 50 years. its all together too tragic for me. watching adam open presents was so fun. i miss being 2 years old. but of course i got some kick ass stuff cause my aunt and grama that i dont see much rock! i got my hot pink 2 row studded belt that no one else has and no one else better fucking get. i got my Bobby's World tshirt. i got the real world you never saw:las vegas dvd. *orgasm* i got eyeliner and mascara, my two best friends. i got prettttty gold earrings, the kind of gold that i dont mind. some hot nail polish. and $35 for Hot Topic. im in love. and theres more from my mommy and daddy and grammie tommorow, who spoil me awfully. shame on them. i think im going to go pop in my real world las vegas dvd and have myself a few orgasms with brynn. i love you, merry christmas eve. chill with your family, tell them you love them.
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merry christmas!! :o)

yea, i'm a dork..haha.. deal with it ;o)
