! in violent frustration..

Listening to: the distillers
Feeling: sinful
he cried out to God, or just no one, the point to this madness and all that he was, is just a tragedy. * snow day #.. 5? i dunno but we've had a lot. the roads arent even that bad really. i called neil yesterday and was seriously in an instant better mood. he got a bunch of classes switched around and changed and whatnot so i dont see him in school anymore :( he thought i had been absent so he didnt wait after school to pick me up, but since i am there i get rides home again. everything seems better now. i think the other thing might be clearing up, which just made me feel so much better, that first IM.. i just lit up. i hate losing the people i honestly care about. i have a horrible cold, its the first cold ive gotten all winter. i thought i could go all winter without one.. but nope. it SUCKS. annoying as fucking hell. oh yeah what i was writing about in the first place.. we got our report cards today and i went down three fucking points, but i went up in most of my classes? and mrs betza is a fucking nazi, she sent home a notice saying i have too many absences... *ahem* i'm pretty sure she hasnt been in school more than three days a week since the beginning of the school year. fucking DOUCHHEE bag. english- 79 spanish- 85 math- 80 biology- 40 :) global- 65 (fuck you fabio, "not working to full potential, homework is inadequate".. maybe if you stopped talking about how hot you think you are i might learn something.) keyboarding- 94 gym- 93 and honestly however i got a 93 in gym, cuz this time me and ashley didnt change ONCE, but i guess we participated. that rocks. so overall i got a 73.7 which is actually a 74, so i only went down 2 points. i worked my ass off that quarter too.. babysitting tonight if my aunt is still going clubbing ;) haha. getting paid is fun. * are you ready to be liberated?
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thanks for the comment . yea i heart tbs
+ nikki +
i got a 94.7 which is a 3.1 point drop from last quarter :(