Chapter 23....

Feeling: melancholy

The TV played the theme song to her favorite show and Hallie sat in the middle of the couch with her afternoon snack. When Kari walked into the room, she picked up the phone and returned to her office. Hallie sighed and turned back to the TV. The door opened and when she saw Kat walk in, she jumped down and ran over to her. Kat picked her up and carried her back to her bedroom, where she put her work on her desk and then turned to Hallie.

"Are you waiting for dinner?"

Hallie shook her head and said "No, Kari made me a snack when I got home."

She nodded and asked "Was it good?"

"Of course it was. Don't you be putting my cooking down."

They looked to the door and saw Kari leaning against it with her arms folded across her chest. Kat rolled her eyes and let Hallie down as she sat down on her bed. When Hallie left the room, Kari closed the door and leaned against the wall.

"Did you find out anything at work today?"

Kat shook her head and said "Not a thing. I can't believe that guy slipped through our fingers so easily."

When she rolled her neck to the side Kari said "Daniels called. He wants to talk with you."

Her eyes lost their interest and she mumbled "That guy just doesn't give up."

Kari shrugged and said "Well, maybe you should just see what the man wants. After all, you can't get rid of him because of Hallie. She's crazy about him."

She sighed and said "I guess you're right. I'll call him after dinner."

The woman left the room and she collapsed back into her covers as every ounce of energy slipped away. Her hand ran over her face and when she looked at the ceiling, she let her eyes drift closed. When she heard the TV in the front room, she sighed and opened her eyes. She pulled herself up to her feet and forced her way out of her room. She walked to the kitchen and as she took a drink of water, the phone rang.

When she answered it, she felt her energy come back and she sighed silently before she said anything. The moment she hung up, the doorbell rang and she shook her head. She was way too tired and frustrated to answer it, so she returned to her room. As she passed Kari's room, her friend looked at her and she entered her room. Her hand closed her door and she curled up in the middle of her bed while listening to the door being answered.

Her eyes drifted closed against her own will and she let out a sigh as sleep began to take over. She caved to the force and she let her mind drift away. When she was finally asleep, the door opened and Kari shrugged.She left the room and he closed the door. Once he was alone, he walked over to the bed and leaned over her.

When he found her sleeping, he smirked and brushed her hair off her shoulders so it fell onto the bed. He looked down at her neck and saw the small gold chain resting on it. His eyes narrowed at the sight and he let his mind answer he questions. He remembered watching her get it in the mail for her birthday and when he had seen the card, he knew who had sent it. She wore it all the time and he wished he could just take the dumb thing and pitch it and the man with it.

He heard her take a deep breath and he straightened up just as she opened her eyes. The instant she saw him, he watched her relaxation disappear and she became all too alert again. He leaned against the wall and waited for her to make the next move. She slid off her bed without a word to him and walked into her bathroom. When he saw her pull her hair up off her neck, he took a deep breath and watched her comb it until it was knot free.

"How long are you going to wear that stupid thing?"

Her eyes looked at him through the mirror and she said "It doesn't concern you."

He snorted and said "I believe it does. It's been two years since you came back."

She rolled her eyes and said "I know how long it's been. Just because it's been two years doesn't mean anything."

With a sigh he said "He can't be that trustworthy after everything that has happened."

Her eyes became cold instantly and she said "Say another word and I will have you thrown out of this apartment and prevent you the chance to see Hallie."

He shook his head and said "Fine."

He opened the door and she waited for him to leave, but he stopped and looked at her. She rolled her eyes and walked back into the bedroom while grabbing a jacket. When she slipped it on, she passed him at the door and walked to the kitchen. As she pulled out some skillets to make dinner, he looked at Hallie and watched the girl's attention focus on the TV. That girl was full of surprises starting back to when she was only two and she could get around and speak like an eight year old.

When he heard the stove being started, he rubbed the back of his neck and entered the kitchen. He watched her cook something for dinner and waited for her to talk. She just sent him one look and kept on cooking the dinner. He was about to leave when she handed him plates and he started setting the table. The minute it was set, she put dinner on the table and walked back to Kari's room.

She found the woman in the middle of typing something and she said "Dinner's ready for you."

Kari nodded and said "I'll be out in a few."

With a nod, she left the room and returned to the living room to find Daniels and Hallie having a tickle fight. She rolled her eyes and made her way over to her seat. The two quit their war and came over to join her at the table. When they were dishing up food, Kari walked into the room and sat down at the table. They all looked at each other and then they began eating.

The meal had been quiet and when it ended, she gathered up the dishes and started washing them. She had the radio on so she didn't have to listen to the conversations at the table and the water was still filling the sink full of soap. When she shut the water off, she grabbed a scrubber and started to remove the dried on food. The water felt good on her cold hands and she let her mind calm while she worked. She heard the distant conversation stop and she looked to see Kari seeing Daniels out the door.

When the door was closed, she continued washing the dishes and Kari entered the kitchen. She got into the fridge and pulled out some Pepsi and filled her glass. She put the two-liter away and looked at the woman working at the sink.

She sighed and asked "Enjoy giving him the cold shoulder during dinner?"

Kat shrugged and said "I didn't have a problem doing it."

Kari rolled her eyes and asked "What happened on your vacation? Did you two get into it?"

She shook her head and said "If we had, he wouldn't be here watching after Hallie for me."

Kari hopped onto the counter and asked "Then what the hell happened that has you two completely on the outs?"

Kat rolled her eyes and said "We never had something between us and he finally began to notice that."

She shook her head in defeat and said "You two were perfect for each other. After a few months, I had actually thought you would've lightened up around him. He is still crazy about you."

Her eyes became unfocused and she thought, 'Crazy enough to leave me alone when I need him the most?'

Kari tilted her head and asked "Who did you run into?"

She looked over her shoulder at the woman and said "And this is where the subject ends."

Kari sent her a curious look and asked "Who is he? Who is the guy that has you constantly thinking?"

She dried the dishes and said "I told you that this discussion is over."

She put the dishes away and Kari jumped down off the counter. When she left the kitchen, Kat let out a deep breath let her eyes glance over to the calendar. They were to meet at her favorite restaurant to celebrate her up-coming birthday and she already felt her nerves starting to go crazy. She shook her head at how childish she was acting and she hung the towel to dry. She walked out of the kitchen and checked on Hallie.

The girl was sound asleep on the couch and Kat took her to her bedroom. As she tucked her in, Hallie instinctively pulled her stuffed animal to her and curled up in a ball. Kat shook her head in amusement and quietly left the room. She went into her room and checked for any new e-mail. When she finished, she sighed and slipped into her sleeping attire.

She went into the bathroom and finished getting ready for bed. When she returned to her room, she unfastened the chain and laid it on her dresser. She turned her light off and climbed into bed.


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