Weathered Chapter 13.

Feeling: hostile

The waves were quiet and gentle as the liner ripped straight through them at top notch speed. Behind it floated two narrow trails of whitecaps. The couples stood soaking up the sunlight in embraces with their partner along the promenade. A warm wind brushed her arms and she closed her eyes.

Her bound hair slowly slipped down to the mid of her back and she tossed it over her shoulder. The sun warmed her skin perfectly and she felt the tension slowly slip away. She could feel eyes on her, but she didn't want to dwell on it and lose this calm. Then she heard some birds singing up above the clouds and she looked down at the waves. Dolphins raced alongside the liner and enjoyed themselves while chattering with one another.

She ran a hand through her hair and took a deep breath. Then she pushed away from the railing and walked back to her cabin. When she stood in front of the door she unlocked the door and slipped into her safety. Her hand tossed the keys onto a side table as she walked over to her bed. Then she let out a deep breath and sat down in the middle.


The phone rang with no mercy and she took the latest message. With it on a pad of paper, she stood and took the tablet into her boss's office. He was leaning back in his chair with his head rested on his hand and his high-lighter racing over the document in front of him. She knocked and closed the door behind her as she stepped over the threshold. He looked up at her with his brown eyes and leaned completely back into his chair.

She nodded and said, "I have messages that require your immediate attention."

His eyes returned to his work and he said, "Then you handle them. I'm busy with something else."

Her brows came together and said, "Whatever your deal is, get over it. We need you working this company at full attention and returning it likewise. Until you shape up, I'll be on another extended leave."

Then she threw the pad of messages onto his desk and left. The pad landed on top of his work and he shoved it aside. The door slammed shut and he started working again. When his eyes spotted an unfamiliar number with a cryptic message he stopped his high-lighter. His eyes read the message again and he picked up the phone.


The plane taxied onto the slick tar mat and everyone moved from their seats. He grabbed his travel bag and stepped in line to exit the plane. When he stepped into the lobby he watched her smirk brighten up into an annoying smile. Then he walked over to her and sat his bags on the floor. She pulled him into a hug and he let her touch him for a few seconds before pulling away.

She rolled her eyes and asked, "Still as boyish as ever, huh?"

His eyes narrowed and he said, "Just lead the way to the cab."

Her head shook slightly and she said, "Not until you let me know how the flight went and how things are back in the city."

He shrugged and said, "The same for me as any other businessman."

She sighed and said, "Wrong. All businessmen have woman they are interactive with and don't shun us."

A low growl came from his throat and he said, "I've got my reasons to be different. Now, let's just go."

She threw her hands up in defeat and led the way out of the terminal. It took them five minutes to reach the cab and he tossed his junk into the trunk. When he slid into the car the driver took off to their destination. He was a silent one and this was rather appreciated for the two passengers. When they reached the Fermont Hotel, the two got out and he grabbed his bags.

Then he leaned back into the cab and paid the driver. The man nodded with appreciation and drove off down the road. When he turned to his left, he watched her wait for him though her impatience was rather noticeable. He rolled his eyes and followed her into the lobby to check in. As the clerk dug up a room key, he looked at the woman and saw her watching for something or someone.

Then the clerk handed him his keys and he started up the stairwell. He could hear her running behind him in an effort to catch up, but he didn't slow down for her. Never had he in school and he wasn't about to start now. When he found his room, he sat his bags down and unlocked the door. He slipped into the dark room and put his bags on the bed before he turned on the light.

She sighed and asked, "Is this all you're going to do tonight? Stay here and not come sightseeing your old town?"

He unzipped his first bag and said, "It's not like I actually wanted to come here. Just here because you said it was utmost importance that I be here."

She looked at the floor and said, "Well, it is."

His eyes darted to her face and he asked, "What is so important that you dragged me back to this god awful town?"

Her eyes met his and she smiled while proclaiming, "You'll see."

Then she left the room and he started to settle into his temporary home. Just on the other side of the door she stood. She listened to the muffled movement and looked down the hall.

"I only hope you get here soon or this whole plan of mine will be ruined."


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