Ωκεανό Tale Chapter 1

Feeling: inpain
The waves tossed violently and threatened to pull her under. She kept in the shadows of the pier and listened to the frightened voices. "Bring me Eábha." The people stared up at the monster and continued running for cover. Their feet banged on the boards above her head. "Bring me the little wench who is presiding with the Lord." The frightened people began whispering among themselves and she closed her eyes. She had to get help but if she showed herself they would turn her over. Frowning, she slid along one of the pier supports and a wave crashed against her. She was tossed under the water and let out a hushed gasp when she returned to the surface. "There she is!" She looked up and found a dozen men staring down at her. Her pulse quickened and she glanced out at her freedom. If she swam for it she was safe but these people would be killed. Hands caught her shoulders and she jerked against their hold. Two men drug her up over the pier rail and dropped her onto the hard wooden surface. "Bring her to me!" She felt the hands seize her again and struggled against them. The same two men yanked her onto her feet and began pulling her to the growing crowd. "You have to let me go!" "We won't die because of you!" "You don't understand! She'll kill all of you if you do this!" Several hands began shoving against her and she was pushed onto her knees. The shouting grew louder in her ears and she covered them. She tried controlling her senses but everything echoed in her head. "I told you they weren't worth it, Eábha" She looked up and met the monster's burning eyes. "Úna." The witch smiled and asked "Do you honestly think they would change in one year?" Slowly she forced her feet beneath her legs and took a deep breath. "You play with their minds, feed on their fears." The witch let out a sick laugh and said "I know." She glanced behind her and found the people slowly backing away. They had fear in their eyes again and she looked back at her enemy. Her people's weapon rested in her old wrinkly hands and she began chanting. “Break, break, break, On thy cold gray stones, O sea! And I would that my tongue could utter The thoughts that arise in me” Feeling the waves stirring and the skies rumbling with power, she looked back at the people. "You have to get inside, now!" The crowd stared wide eyed as the witch continued her chanting. “Come, my friends, 'Tis not too late to seek a newer world. Push off, and sitting well in order smite The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die.” Feeling the wooden boards beginning to shake, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Slowly she moved back toward the pier rail and found the people beginning to follow her lead. As she came close to the rail Úna stopped. "Where are you going?" "I'm stopping you." The witch let out another sick laugh and raised the weapon resting in her hand. The lightning struck beside her and illuminated the steel blade. The jewels flashed and she felt her breath catch in her throat. "You will join the sea, but not to save these pathetic fools." Her eyes slightly widened and the sword was pointed at her. The beam of light was bright and she felt it rip through her stomach. The momentum drove her over the rail and down into the raging seas. Hitting the water, her breath left her lungs and she watched the water slowly become dark. 'I failed...' (A/N: Chants are poems written by Lord Alfred Tennyson.)
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