
Feeling: alone

The door opened and she looked up from her moniter. Bryan stood silently watching her and she let out a silent sigh.

"Can I help you?"

"Who is he, Faith?"

She leaned back into her chair and he took a seat. His eyes showed his fear and she rubbed her temples to calm the pounding.

"His name is Jesse. He's someone that I am close to."

His eyes narrowed and he asked, "How close?"

Her gaze chilled him to the bone and he took a deep breath.

"Did you sleep with him?"

She felt like laughing at his stupidity but held it in.

"It doesn't concern you."

He got to his feet and leaned across the desk. Placing his hands on the hard wood, he looked into her eyes.

"You are my concern. I don't like being played."

Frowning, she got to her feet and moved across the desk. Opening her door, she looked back at him and waited.

"Don't kick me out just yet. We aren't through."

"Oh but we are. Get out of my sight, Bryan."

His eyes widened at her tone and she waited. Slowly he walked to the exit and looked at her. She remained silent and he sighed as he stepped out into the hall. She closed the door rather hard and let out a sigh as she moved back to her desk. Sitting down, she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.


Opening her door, she put the keys on the counter and slipped out of her jacket. She looked around the apartment and smirked. It was empty, like always, and she moved back to her office. Sitting down at her computer, she logged on and checked her e-mail. Her phone rang and she answered it while dumping everything in her inbox.


"It's me. There's a problem and I could use your help."

"Alan? What is it?"

"Some group of guys are down here demanding you to listen to them. Something about a contact."

She frowned and said, "I'm on my way."

Hanging up, she left the office and returned to the door. Putting her jacket back on, she picked up her keys and opened her door. Jesse stood in front of her and she about choked.


She smirked and said, "It's okay. You just scared me."

His eyes narrowed and he asked, "Going somewhere?"

Pulling the door closed, she locked it and said, "Alan needs me at the club."

He grabbed her arm and said, "Not alone, Faith."

She smirked and said, "I've handled worse situations than this. I'll be okay."

His eyes flashed and she sighed.

"All right. You can come, just...don't get in my way."

He smirked and she moved over to her car. Slipping inside, she started the engine and fastened her seatbelt. The drive to the club was quiet and took twenty minutes. Silently she slipped out of the car and locked it. Jesse met her gaze and she walked to the club entrance. Opening the door, she heard the loud voices and frowned.

Alan waved to her and she caught the attention of the men. Taking a calming breath, she approached them.

"What is the problem?"

A red head looked at her and said, "We need you to book us."

She looked at Alan and asked, "Is there any problem?"

"I won't book them unless I know you give them props."

Nodding, she turned back to the men and said, "All right. Let's hear what you've got."

The red head smirked and handed her a cd. She gave the cd to Alan and he put it into the cd player. Silently she stood listening to the song and a frown crossed her face.

"Is something wrong?"

She met the man's gaze and said, "This was a waste of time."

Alan handed her the cd and she gave it back to the red head. He glared at her and she turned back to the door.

"What's wrong with you? That's a masterpiece!"

She sighed and looked at him.

"It's worthless. You think it's good but all it does it give me a headache."

The redhead jumped to his feet and yelled, "It's rap! Haven't you ever heard of rap lady?"

She crossed her arms and said, "That's noise, not rap. Get some lessons and then come see me."

He growled and reached for her arm. Jesse gripped his wrist and held an iron grip as his gaze burned into the man's eyes.

"Touch her and I'll break your hand."

Faith looked at him and said, "Jesse, it's okay."

He looked at her and released the man with a push. The red head fell back onto the ground with a thump.

"We don't deserve to be treated like this!"

Alan shrugged and said, "Then I suggest you get out of my club."

The group looked at each other and silently departed. Faith sighed and looked back at Jesse. His eyes were still blazing and she shook her head.

"I told you not to get involved."

"He was going to hurt you."

She frowned and said, "I can take care of myself."

Alan chuckled and said, "Cut the guy some slack, Faith. He's right. That group just spells trouble."

Her eyes narrowed and she said, "I don't care. I'm outta here. See you Friday night Alan."


Her temper was rising with each step and she threw her keys onto the counter. He closed the door behind her and she met his gaze.

"Calm down."

She ran a hand through her hair and growled, "I'm not a little girl anymore, Jesse."

He caught her hands and said, "I know."

She pulled away and walked into the kitchen growling, "I can take care of myself."

He smirked and waited for her to come back out. When she reappeared, he caught her shoulder and led her over to the couch. She sat down without a word and he brushed his thumb along her jaw.

"Faith, I just want you to be safe."

"I can protect myself. I have these past four years."

His eyes narrowed and he asked, "Will you just let me in? Does it ever occur to you that when you walked out on me that I didn't know why?"

Her eyes softened slightly and she said, "You changed to keep me safe. I wanted to keep living life the way I had before the trial. You weren't going to let me."

"I was protecting you. I hated to see you hurting from what that man did to you."

She caught his hand and asked, "Why did you shut me out though?"

He could see the old hurt and said, "I didn't know any other way."

"You should've talked to me, showed me that you cared."

His eyes blazed and she looked away. The old emotions were too much to handle. Slowly he turned her back to him.

"Don't run away from me. You did it once, but I can't take another round. I've missed you so much."

She felt the tears close to surfacing and she slid her hand over his resting on her jaw.

"I don't intend to leave."

He smirked and she felt some tension slipping away from them. His lips brushed over hers and she closed her eyes. Tranquility began to sink in and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"God, I've missed you."

She smiled and said, "I've missed you too."


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Only one word for it; BRILLIANT. You'r writing is simply wonderful in the way that it portrays real feelings and how they would actually feel at the moment that they are given. Great job.