Ωκεανό Tale Chapter 31

Feeling: inpain
Earlier in the evening... William sat on a crate sharpening his blade and looked up. He watched Johnathan enter the stable with his blank face and waited. The man walked past him and headed for Solomon. The stallion greeted him and he ran his hand over the strong face. "Care for a ride, my Lord?" He glanced back at William and said "Not tonight." The boy smirked and asked "Nervous?" He looked back at his stallion and kept his answer to himself. Looking into the dark brown eyes, he felt some of the tension slipping away and stepped back. He walked back toward the boy and found him working on his blade again. "When are you going home?" William looked up and said "When the party men arrive." He shook his head and said "Go on home. The help will be here soon enough." He watched the boy smile and put his sharpener away. Quietly the young lad disappeared outside and he let out a sigh. He took a seat on the vacated crate and ran his hand through his hair. Nervous was an understatement. Never in his life had he been worried about the evening's events but it was all he could think about. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Leaning forward on his arms, he ran his hand over his tense neck and took a deep breath. It had been three weeks since that night but he still couldn't get it out of his head. Every night he had found himself watching her sleep in her bed, making sure she was safe. Tanner never gave him away but the pup would watch him from his spot next to the woman's hidden legs on the bed. When she would go outside with the children in the evenings, he would always find himself watching from whatever room he was in. Growling, he dug his hands into his hair and tried to push the thoughts out of his head. No matter what he did he couldn't get that cursed woman out of his head. He was starting to miss their conversations and occasional banter. Things had been tense between them after that night but he couldn't stop wondering about her. "Hiding out until the very last minute again?" He opened his eyes slowly at the feminine voice and looked up. Of course it would be Grace looking for him. She was wearing her knowing grin and he looked away. She laughed and said "I can tell you she is just as nervous." He shot her look and stood up. The woman remained silent and joined him on the trip back to the castle. They entered the loud hall and found Leon lingering by the stairwell. He looked at them and said "Tell me why these balls are a good thing." Grunting, he walked up the stairs and retreated to his room in the East Wing. As he shut the door, he heard the laughter from outside and walked to his window. Drawing the curtain back, he saw the three on the beach and leaned against the wall. The sun was surrounding them in a light and he looked away. He forced himself away from the window and stripped. Silently he entered his bathroom and washed for his evening host role. Drying his skin off after the quick bath, he walked back into his room and dressed in a pair of black slacks and a white shirt. Running his hand through his wet brown hair, he sat down and slid into his socks and social boots. The black leather shined in the dimly lit room and he stood up. He walked back to the window and found the three missing. Crossing his room, he opened his door and heard the dying voices in the hall. Stepping out of his room, he saw the four disappear into the West Wing and shut his room up. Silently he walked to the stairwell and retreated down the steps. He heard the shouting when he stepped into the hall and sighed. Quickly he entered the kitchen and found Oric laying into the aides. "Lay more trays of food and I'll see to the table." Oric's ranting stopped at the command and the frightened young people did as they were told. Silently Johnathan carried food into the re-arranged dining hall and placed the food in their proper places. Oric assisted without a word and they stood examining the table when they were done. "Thanks." He shot the cook a look and said "You were going to kill them." The man laughed and said "I better take my own advice then." Shrugging, he watched the man retreat into the kitchen and heard the first guests arriving. Sighing, he slipped out of the dining hall and retreated into the secluded area of the castle. He was far from ready to play host but he knew he didn't have much time left. Hiding in an empty old hall, he leaned against the cold wall and closed his eyes. He could hear the music starting and the soft conversations growing outside. Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes and left the hall. Entering the dining hall, he found it filling quickly and was greeted by family friends. Distant relatives shook hands with him and business partners updated him on the latest news. He kept a drink in his hand as he played his role and kept his gaze sweeping the crowd. Slowly he saw the two children enter the crowded room and knew their chaperon wasn't too far behind. Silently he listened to the man talking next to him and took a drink. He glanced around the audience and found Leon. His eyes stopped on the woman next to him and he felt the jolt all through his body. He studied the way her hair fell around her face and the light layer of make up Grace must have applied. Her blue eyes were glowing with her dark blue dress and her rich skin tone was as alluring as he remembered. "Jonathan, who is that beauty old Leon is hogging." He opened his mouth to speak but heard "That's Princess Eve." Looking down, he found Trevor standing like a true gentlemen but caught the mischief glint in the boy's eyes. "A princess?" "Yep. She's going to be my mother too." The men around them began listening in and he held his tongue. This was just going to make things even more complicated. "And who are you?" Trevor smiled and said "I'm Trevor. The Princess and Lord are letting us stay here for now." The men looked back at him and he nodded slowly. "He and his sister needed shelter." A chuckle passed around him and he wanted to slam his head against the wall. These men were almost as bad as old women. The music began to play again and he watched some of the men lead their dates to the dance floor. Trevor looked up at him and he knelt down in front of the boy. "I thought you were suppose to behave." He smiled again and said "Leon said to have fun." His eyes narrowed and he growled "Just watch what you say here." The boy nodded and he stood up. He saw Trevor glance through the crowd at Eve and followed his lead. Grace was standing with her and talking to her about something. The two laughed and he knew all the men in the room heard it. They all glanced that way and he could felt the jolt growing inside him. Silently he made his way through the crowd and watched Grace disappear. Finding the woman alone, he approached her as she looked at some couples. "They will be drunk within the hour." She smirked and looked up at him. Their eyes lingered and she felt the room beginning to fade away. "I'm glad you made it." She nodded and said "I don't go back on my word." His brown eyes narrowed and she laughed. He heard some men talking and some women were whispering across the room. Eve heard them and met his gaze. "Shall we give them more to talk about?" Her smirk turned into a smile and he held out his hand. The hesitation didn't surprise him but she slowly placed her hand in his. The contact left them rooted in place and their pulses jumping. Their eyes met and he looked away. Quietly he pulled her through the crowd and tuned out the whispering growing around them. When they stepped onto the dance floor, he listened to the music and found his eyes still focused on hers. Her smile was gone but he could still see the light in her ocean blue eyes. The music playing turned into a waltz and she nodded up to him. Silently he wrapped a hand around her back and guided her into a dance. His blood was pounding in his ears and he felt reality slipping away as he fell into her eyes.
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