Unaffected Chapter 15

Listening to: Anywhere-Evanescence
Feeling: abandoned

Her mind slowly began to work and she forced her eyes to open. The room was still dark and she felt her lips move into a small smirk. He had known that she wasn't ready for light yet. Then she took a deep breath and tried moving. Her body was lead and she hissed as the pain ransacked her.

Then she gave up and slowly looked around the room. She didn't recognize the place, but she knew it had to be safe. He'd never put her life in jeporady, so she knew better than to begin planning an escape. Her eyes grew heavy and she allowed them to close. She felt her mind slowly disappearing from reality and she felt as if she was falling through space.

Her hands brushed the cold air and then she stood on her own two feet with the sun burning in the sky. A cool breeze calmed her fever and she took a deep breath. Barking reached her ears and she looked over her right shoulder. Her eyes widened and she slowly turned around. A wall of the ocean was towering over her and she found herself looking at her reflection.

With caution, she ran her hand through the running water and pulled it back out. Sure enough it was soaked, but she didn't understand how the ocean was standing still. Then everything became white and she covered her face just as the ocean crashed down onto her. She tried to fight her way to the surface when she realized that she was standing on the ground. Slowly she opened her eyes and found herself standing at the edge of a deep abyss.

The edge crumbled and she stepped back as she watched the pebbles fall below. Her eyes looked around the place and then something slammed through her mind. She stumbled to her knees and grapsed her head. The pain was enormous, and her stomach tighented in rebellion. When she felt the pain was too great, it left and she looked over her shoulder.

Slowly she placed her hand into his extended hand and he helped her to her feet. Her eyes looked over his face and he brushed her falling hair back behind her ears. His eyes widened and she watched him stumble before her. She caught him just as he collapsed and she saw the blood staining the ground around him. She caught his hand that brushed her cheek and laced their fingers together.

Her eyes remained with his and she felt the salty tears burning her eyes as they slowly slid down her face. She closed her eyes as his free hand caressed her other cheek. Then his hand fell to his side and his eyes closed. She kissed his hand and let the tears burn as she watched his last breath disappear into the atmosphere.

Her vision blurred and she whispered, "Please, you promised never to leave me, Love."

Her eyes instantly flew open and she listened to her racing pulse. She ran her hand over her face and found the wet marks on both cheeks. Immediately she sat up and looked around the room. She was still alone, but then that meant she was still tortured by her past. Then she heard the soft moan from down the hall and she forced her body to move.

Slowly she pushed the covers aside and pulled the clothing around her tightly. Then she walked over to the door and stepped into the hall. Her eyes looked everywhere and she moved to the end of the hall. Quietly she slipped into the room and closed the door. When she looked at the bed, she found it empty and then she spotted him.

Quickly she walked over to him and knelt next to him. Her hands checked for his pulse and she rolled him onto his back. Then she looked around the room for a type of medicine, but found none. With a deep breath, she let her hands rest on his chest and soon the warmth flooded her senses. When he coughed, she stopped and stayed put as she watched him slowly come around.

His eyes were hazy from the nightmare, but she still saw the recogniztion. She couldn't help but smirk at the switch of roles that had taken place. He pushed himself up onto his elbows and she sat back to give him room.

His hand stopped her and he barely managed to say,"Thank you."

The words stunned her and she whispered, "I honestly don't know how I knew. I just did."

He nodded and said, "Your nightmare."

She looked slightly withdrawn at the words and said, "You were killed, Adam. You were killed in my arms."

Her fear was tearing his head to pieces and he pulled her into his lap. He rested her head on his chest and slowly rocked her. When her fear dissapated from his mind, he looked down at her and found her staring into space. A chuckle escaped him and she looked up at him.

He tried to act innocent and said, "Look at the situation we're in."

She smiled and said, "I guess we'll always be in this situation."

They both started laughing until his mouth found hers. The fire ripped through them and electricity crackled all around them. When they stopped, she listened to her rapid breathing while holding his gaze. Then she took a deep breath and returned his passionate fire.


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