Brykolakas Tragond 13.

Feeling: cold

The streets were packed and cars ran up and down the road. Sidewalks were full of people and Doran glanced at his friend. Aedan silently followed his contact and Doran gave a low whistle. The place was insane and left his head spinning.

He tapped Aedan's shoulder and asked, "Staying here long?"


Doran shot him a look and watched him slip his hands into his pockets. His contact stopped in front of an enormous warehouse and pulled out a key. He unlocked the door and stepped inside. Aedan followed without a word and Doran groaned as he stepped inside. The place was empty and the contact tossed the key to Aedan.

"Rent is due every month. I'll come by and pick it up. Your transportation will be arriving in a few days. Suggest you get yourself a job quick."

Aedan nodded and said, "I will."

The contact left and the door shut behind him. Doran looked around again and saw Aedan walk upstairs. He stood in the second story and looked at the covered furniture. Walking over to a couch, he pulled the sheet back and looked down at the black shiny leather. Smirking, he walked around the floor and began uncovering the furniture.

Finding some side rooms, he opened the first one and found a bedroom. Checking the other rooms, he found more spare bedrooms and frowned. Walking back to the middle of the floor, he found the corner that was designed as a kitchen. Doran climbed into view and let out another whistle.

"Now this is a space."

Aedan shot him a look and looked at the boarded windows. He dug into the drawers and checked in the cabinets. Spotting the toolbox, he carried it over to the nearest window. Doran carried their bags back to the rooms and left him alone. Kneeling in front of the window, he began prying the nails out and pulled the boarding down.

"So why did you get a warehouse?"

"Needed it for the job."

Doran plopped down onto the couch and asked, "What, detective work?"

Aedan looked back at him and said, "Hunting."


The night's music filled her head and she slowly opened her eyes. Looking up at the ceiling, she took a deep breath and felt the warm fire flowing over her skin. Sitting up, she looked around the room and back at her nude body. Everything was a haze and she slid her hand along her neck. New bite marks made her uneasy and she slid off the bed.

Crossing the room, she picked up her clothes and tugged them on. Stepping in front of a mirror, she pulled her hair back and looked at the healing mark. She pushed her blonde hair onto her back and slid her hand along her shirt's collar. Staring at her reflection, she took a deep breath and lifted her shirt. Seeing the mark on her breast, she slid her fingers over the teeth holes and lowered her shirt.

Walking over to the bed, she sat down and tried to clear her head. She remembered Coyle's hands on her and his teeth in her neck. Everything else was a blur and she dug her hands into her head. She couldn't clear the fog and sighed. Walking over to the window, she pulled the curtain back and saw the night looking back at her.

Frowning, she pulled on some socks and shoes and left the room. Walking down the hall, she listened for anything and stopped at the stairwell. Looking down the hall, she took a deep breath and approached the open library. Stepping inside, she found the fireplace lit and looked around. Finding herself alone, she approached the bookshelves and slid along the wall until she found the book she wanted.

Grabbing the book, she sat down by the fireplace and flipped through the pages. Running across some images, she studied the man and saw the woman drinking his blood. He was on his knees and she held him up with her demonic strength. Aine looked at their clothing and saw the dated wardrobe. Flipping the page, she found the man drinking from an open cut on the woman's chest above her dress.

Flipping the page again, she found a text and read through it before turning the page. Her eyes met the golden stare looking up at her and she saw the woman in his arms. He held the lifeless body against the wall and had his hand sliding up her leg. Shaking her head, she closed her eyes and turned the pages. Reading more words, she looked another picture.

He was standing on a roof and staring at the city in front of him. An elder vampire stood next to him and his hand rested on the young vampire's shoulder. She skimmed the text and read the conversation they had. Taking a deep breath, she read his human death and birth to eternal life. He had been chosen because of his royal status and was raised into the leader of his kind.

Flipping the pages, she ran across a section about hunters and stopped. Skimming the text, she found her mother's name and read the details to her death. Slamming the book closed, she got to her feet and put the book away. Shaking, she walked to the fireplace and picked up an old piece of paper. Throwing it into the fire, she watched it turn back and then into ashes.

"Do you intend to do that to all of us?"

Looking over her shoulder, she watched him approach and felt her body reach for him. She stepped back against the fireplace and he brushed the hair off her neck. He examined the bite mark and looked back at her.

"What did you do to me?"

His eyes changed into black flames and she felt herself go to him. He slid his hand along her neck and caught the nape of her neck. She felt her heart in her throat and closed her eyes as his mouth slid over hers. Slipping her fingers through his blonde hair, she felt him nip her lip and she wrapped her arms around his neck. The fog began clearing and she remembered his mouth on her breast and her body shaking under his.

She could feel him in her, taking her further than she had ever been and she moaned. The power she had felt last night had been too intoxicating and she felt the need building in her. She was craving to touch it again and she felt his mouth slide down her neck. Her body ached and she let him lower her onto the floor. Looking into his sensual eyes, she felt her heart pounding in her ears and pulled him back down to her.

He tasted like heaven and she let his hard hands sculpt and touch her body, leaving trails of flames behind each caress. She slid her hands up his chest and caught his shirt. She pulled it off him and slid her hands over his chiseled chest. His fangs brushed her neck and she closed her eyes as they pricked into her skin. Feeling him latch inside her, she felt the jerk and listened to him feed as her body drowned in the hot pleasure.

He closed the marks and caught her in his arms. She felt them moving through the mansion and felt a warm bed beneath her. Opening her eyes, she let him come to her again and claim her mouth. She knew she needed to kill him but she couldn't think with her body controlling her every motion. Her body froze when her clothes disappeared and she felt his fangs on her breast mark.

He drank and filled her body. She felt the power ripping through her and let out a moan. Her fingers ripped down his back and she felt everything building like a hurricane inside her. Exploding with him, she looked up into his golden eyes and slid her hand along his jaw. He looked down at the bleeding mark and closed it with his tongue.

He pulled out of her and rose to his feet. She watched him dress and felt like she would never be able to move again. He handed her a shirt and she slowly pulled it on. It covered her body and fell past her hips. His hand caught her neck and his mouth crushed hers again.

She felt her legs giving out and she hung onto his neck. He stepped back and she watched him leave the room. Taking painful breaths, she slid her hair out of her face and looked around the room. It was his room, buried beneath the place and away from the sun. Looking down at the shirt, she found it blue and smirked slowly.

It was the shirt she saw him wearing the first time they met. Taking a deep breath, she looked for her clothes and found them gone. Frowning, she left the room and climbed the stairs to the main floor. Walking into the hall, she stopped in the doorway and saw him at the door. He stood listening to something and then pulled the door open.

His eyes shot back to her and then he disappeared outside. Quickly she moved upstairs and down to her room. Opening her dresser, she grabbed some clothes and dressed. His shirt hung past her hips and she yanked her boots on. Picking up her jacket, she found the stake and switchblade.

Quietly she left the room and tucked them into her pockets. Descending the stairs, she stepped outside and found a fight. Bain landed on the ground and looked up at him. His eyes were glowing gold and she felt some tension slipping through her. Bain struggled to his feet and shot a look at her.

He looked back at Coyle and said, "Finally bedded the hunter. You really are a traitor."

A hiss filled her ears and she watched his hand surround Bain's throat. He threw the vampire into a concrete wall and Bain broke through to the other side. Coughing, he got to his feet and looked back at him.

"I came because Artis wanted me to redeem myself for my actions. Seeing her here changes everything."

Coyle's snarl cut the vampire's tongue and he felt his hand reaching up to his own throat. Seeing the vampire choking himself, she quietly approached them and stood by Coyle.

"That's enough."

Coyle looked down at her and she said, "I want to finish him myself."

He saw the predator look surrounding her brown eyes and released Bain. The vampire dropped to his knees and looked up coughing. She approaching him and stood watching him struggle onto his feet.

"I was hoping you and I could have another go."

Her fist connected with his jaw and he stumbled backwards. Wiping the blood from his mouth, he looked up at her and her boot connected with his chest. Falling back onto the ground, she pulled her stake free and approached him. He tried sitting up and her boot pinned his neck down.

"You going to kill me?"

She smirked and said, "Yes."

He looked up at her and said, "You'll regret it."

Growling, she snapped his neck with her boot and shoved the stake into his heart. Hearing his scream, she stepped back and the stake rested on the ground. Pushing her hair off her shoulders, she took a deep breath and picked up the stake. Coyle watched her stuff it into her pocket and heard the string snap. He watched her ears pick up the sound and he knocked her down.

It struck next to his heart and he let out a growl. She looked up as he stood over her and her eyes landed on the arrow.

"Go inside."

She grunted and jumped to her feet. Catching the arrow in her hand, she yanked it out and he let out a snarl. The blood covered her hand and she looked over her shoulder. Shadows moved around them and she turned her back on Coyle as Artis and Bryg stepped forward. Recruits emerged and she rested her hand around her stake.

Another arrow flew and he took it in the shoulder. Feeling him covering her, she looked up at him and saw a small bead of sweat on his face. Artis stepped forward and she yanked the arrow out.

"Keeping protecting her Coyle and we'll kill you both."

His eyes flashed dark gold and Bryg growled, "You betrayed us for a human."

Aine met their red gazes and said, "He never betrayed you. Letting Bain attack is betraying him."

Artis snarled and said, "Mention my brother's name murderer and I will personally enjoy ripping your heart out."

She smirked at the threat and heard the arrow fly. Catching it, she snapped it in two and watched Bryg step back.

"How? How did you catch that?"

His vision blurred and he dropped to his knee. Turning around, she knelt next to him and saw the bleeding worsen.

She looked back at Artis and asked, "What was on that arrow?"

The vampress looked at Bryg and asked, "Did you poison him?"

Bryg smirked and said, "It was mean to kill her, not him."

Artis looked back at Coyle and met his golden gaze. It was cold and he caught his chest wound. Aine caught his arm and looked up into his eyes.

"You're going to be fine. Just stay put."

He met her gaze and she ripped the sleeve off his arm. Wrapping it around the wound, she tied it hard and looked back at Artis.

"Do you want him to die?"

Artis stepped back and Bryg said, "Don't get cold feet on me now. This was Bain's idea."

Artis snapped her head in Bryg's direction and growled, "Bain is dead! We're done here."

Bryg growled and disappeared into the forest. Artis looked back at the two and closed her eyes.

"I never meant to hurt you, Coyle. I would never want you hurt."

His snarl silenced her and she disappeared into the forest with the rest of the recruits. He let out a sigh and rested his hand on the ground. Aine slid her hand through his hair and supported his arm on her shoulder. Helping him to his feet, she guided him back into the mansion and down to his room. She helped him onto his bed and he let out a sigh.

"Aine, quit."

She shook her head and said, "You're not dying so shut up and let me work."

He caught her neck and she looked down at him. His eyes faded to blue and she took a deep breath. He stilled her hands and she closed her eyes.

"I have a place out of the country. Go there. The papers are in the study."

She looked down at him and said, "I'm not going to let you die."

He smirked and said, "I'm already dead."

Smiling, she caught his arm and removed the wrap. The bleeding hadn't stopped and she got to her feet. Opening a cooler, she pulled out the bottle and grabbed a damp cloth. Sitting next to him, she wiped the wound clean and handed him the bottle. He sat up and slowly drank as she checked his chest wound.

The bleeding wouldn't stop and she pulled his shirt off. He watched her use it to apply pressure and put the bottle aside. He caught her hands and felt her eyes slowly look up at him. He caught her neck and brushed his lips over hers. She took a deep breath and met his gaze.

"You won."

She shook her head and said, "No. You did."

He closed his eyes and said, "You're free."

Forcing a smile, she kissed him gently and ran her hand along his face. He rested his head into the pillows and she kissed his chest. His body crumbled under her and she watched the dust rest on the bloody sheets. Fighting back the pain, she took a deep breath and got to her feet.

She let out a deep breath and said, "I'll go."

Quietly she left the room and closed the door behind her. She walked upstairs to her room and gathered her clothes. Shoving them into a bag, she closed up the mansion and walked downstairs. Stepping into the night, she felt the gazes on her and looked to the forest. Breck stood in the shadows and Belenus slowly approached.

She met the young wolf and rubbed his face. Looking back at Breck, she nodded and pulled out a rope. She slid it over Belenus' head and secured it around his neck. He looked up at her and she rubbed his ear. Picking up her bag, she pulled him with her and began walking to the nearest town.

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