Twisted Chapter 24

Feeling: tired


Her eyes fluttered and she rolled onto her side, pushing the voice away. Holding the pillow tighter in her hand, she took a deep breath and felt the pressure settling in her head again.


She pushed herself up in bed and raked her hands through her tasseled hair. Heat began to rise within and she looked over at her fire pit. Flames lept to life and left her cooling down. She let out a sigh and pushed the bedding off. Climbing to her feet, she felt flames running underneath her skin and walked into the bathing chamber.

Stripping out of her clothes, she waded into the hot spring and swam across the spring. The hot water counteracted the fire burning inside and she felt the strain and tension finally release. Stilling her swimming, she allowed herself to sink to the bottom of the spring and let her mind clear.


Kicking to the surface, she took a deep breath after breaking water and looked at the intruder. Her annoyance faded when she met Joseph's black eyes and he held up a warm towel. Slowly she walked up to him and he wrapped her in the soft fabric. His hand slid through her wet hair and he breathed her in.

"Are you okay?"

He wrapped an arm around her waist and walked her back into the bedroom. Her towel rested on the floor and he watched her dress in a pair of jeans and a white long sleeved shirt. She swept her hair up off her neck and pulled on a pair of socks. Sitting on the bed, she began lacing up her boots and he knelt in front of her.

"Talk to me."

"I keep hearing him."


Kara put her boot on the floor and sighed. She stood up and stepped around Joseph, looking for courage to speak.


He caught her arm and made her look back at him. This kind of aggitation he hadn't seen from her in years and it left him uneasy.

"Who is talking to you?"

"My father."

Joseph met her green gaze and wrapped her in his arms. She breathed him in and tried focusing on his heart beat. She needed normal right now and this was the safest normal she knew.

"He died."

"I know. I was there Joseph."

"Are you sure?"

She took a deep breath and said "I hear his voice and feel his blood inside me burning."

He looked down at her again and said "We need to talk with Emily."

Before she could argue he caught her elbow and escorted her from their chambers. She felt him release her once in the hall to keep from drawing attention but his body was only inches away from her to keep her from retreating. Reluctantly she led the way to her mother's chambers and stepped inside. The place felt empty and after checking each room she let out a sigh.

"She's not here."

"Then we talk to Leon."

"You hate him."

"He can help you."

They stepped back into the hallway and she followed him down to Leon's chambers. The man was listening to reports and they lingered in the corner. She couldn't keep from shifting her weight from leg to leg and Joseph caught her hand. He felt her pulse beginning to race and her skin begin to warm against his. Her eyes closed momentarily but he felt the pressure stabbing at her.

After minutes of agony, the room was finally empty and Leon looked over at them. He took a seat and studied Joseph carefully.

"I'm surprised to see you. Have your reconsidered?"

"I'm not here for you."

The man frowned but turned his focus on his granddaughter. She slowly met his gaze and he listened carefully. Her pulse was racing and he caught a bead of sweat slipping down her neck.

"Kara, what is it?"

She cleared her throat and swallowed the lump forming in her throat. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and tried to push all the chaos out of her head.

"I need to know about phoenix regeneration."

Leon stared at her in silence and glanced over at her mate. One hand rested on her wrist but his gaze was on Leon. He was judging the man's words before they came out.

"This is about your father."

"Just tell me."

"Kara, I can assure you there is no traces of him. Your mother searched for years to no end."

She stood up and said "You lying."

"I am not."

"Then how can I hear him calling me?"

Leon stood up and placed his hands on her face. Joseph remained by her side in his seat but felt the man's mind press against her walls. She slowly allowed Leon into her mind and took hold of a strengthening hand as he followed the trail of fire in her thoughts.

"Get out Leon"

The man pulled back quickly and Joseph caught her as she stumbled back. Leon took an unsteady seat and caught his breath. The push driving him out was pure fire and possessive. He knew that voice well and the power behind it. Slowly he looked back at Kara and met her shaken gaze.

"I don't understand."

"It's him."

Leon slowly nodded and let out a sigh. He had no idea how to move forward in locating Michael but he knew his daughter would.

"Have you seen your mother?"

Joseph caught Kara's shaking hands and said "We stopped there first. She wasn't in."

Leon raked a hand through his blonde hair and said "She told me she never found your father but I'm beginning to think she did."

"Why wouldn't she tell me?"

"When a phoenix is reborn, there can be a period of disorientation and violence. If Emily felt Michael was a danger to you, she would do everything to keep you safe."

"She was gone my whole life. How long could he have been back?"

"I found him three years ago."

They looked towards the door and found Emily standing just inside the room. She seemed distant and met her daughter's gaze slowly.

"I was working on reconnecting his memories when Joseph came to me for help. I didn't think I would have stayed away this long but now I see he has found a way to reach you."

"I need to see him Mother."

She shook her head. "Your father is very unstable. I can't guess whether he is whole or fractured each time I see him until we speak. It's too risky."

"He is calling to me. His blood in me is reacting. I feel like I'm burning alive."

Emily sighed and said "I cannot allow you to see him until he is better. I don't know if he will get better."

Joseph stood up slowly and said "I'll go."

Kara looked up at him and said "You cannot fight him off."

"I stand a better chance thanks to you."

Leon glanced back at his granddaughter and asked "What does he mean by that?"

She ignored the question and stared back at her mate. He was serious about leaving after she just got him back on his feet. She shook her head and looked back at her mother.

"I'll go with Joseph. I will need you to keep Mikhail safe until we hare back."

"It's not safe for you to be around him."

"He needs me. I'm going."

Emily shook her head in defeat and Kara walked up to her. The woman studied her eyes and nodded. She knew she couldn't stop her daughter and looked back at her protector.

"If he tries anything you put him down."

Joseph nodded and followed Kara from the room.

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