Where The Wind Blows Chapter 37

Feeling: tired

Salazar flew through the deep snow and tossed his head. His rider pulled him to a stop as they overlooked the property they were destined for. Mack sat back in the saddle and searched the grounds for signs of the residents. Movement by the barn caught his focus and he found Bear running away from Will and some of the growing puppies. They were chasing the two down, barking in excitement and he smirked. Pushing Salazar on, they trotted down the hillside and along the covered gravel driveway.

Bear stopped running and gave a welcoming bark to alert the boy's parents. Mack brought his stallion to a stop outside the barn and he watched his youngest son come out to greet him. Cliff shook his hand and took his hug before removing his pack from Salazar's back.

"Where's your sister?"

"She's inside working on the big dinner."

He took one of his bags from Cliff and saw his son-in-law appear behind the man. The blonde man caught his gaze and took the horse into the warm barn for the night. Cliff walked his father across the drive and into the warm house. The aromas coming from the kitchen made his stomach tighten in anticipation. He hadn't had a good home cooked meal since the last time he had come to visit, which sadly was half a year ago.

Cliff set him up in a different room for the last and heard "Mixing up the rooms?"

He shook his head and said "Reese wanted me to take the one you used last. Closer to everyone."

Mack's chuckle was hushed and he studied his son. The man hadn't explained the long stay he had going on here but the mentioning of Reese made him wonder what it was. The two got along better than Reese and Jeff but still, the man was extremely protective of his family and taking care of them on his own. Cliff left the bag he had brought up on the bed and turned to his father.

"I'm sure Joe will fill everyone in once dinner is on the table and everyone is settled in. She doesn't want anyone fussing this close to the holidays."

Mack chuckled and said "Sounds like her. Just like her mother these days."

Cliff smiled and they walked downstairs. Mack left him to explore the scents tempting him and he watched his son walk about outside. Taking a deep breath, Mack examined the new photos hanging on the walls in the hall on his way to the kitchen and he looked into the family room. A 12 ft tree rested by the fireplace and was decorated with all the ornaments that had hung on their trees throughout his childrens' lives. Popcorn strands ran along the branches with shiny balls and snowflakes.

Seeing the old angel on the top, he smiled and searched the room for family photos. He found the one of his family when all the siblings had been children and his wife was still with him. Picking it up from the fireplace mantle, he looked into his wife's beautiful smile and felt the old tug of loneliness on his heart.

"Don't start crying."

Putting the photo down, he smiled and turned to the doorway. His eyes lingered on his daughter and the changes she was going through. She hadn't given them a single hint but here she was well grown and glowing. Pulling her into his arms, he hugged her tightly and let out a relieved sigh.

"I was hoping Reese would take my advice."

She looked up at him and said "It took a while but we both agreed it was time."

Mack held her at arm's length and looked her over again. He remembered her pregnancy with Will but could see the differences.

"How many?"

She laughed and said "I'll explain tonight."

Chuckling, he kissed her brow and said "I hope Reese knows how much a handful twins are."

Wrapping her arm around his waist, she walked him into the kitchen and he helped her finish prepping the dinner ham. The table was decorated for the big family dinner and he put the dishes at the individual places.

"Does Will and Grace know?"

She shook her head and said "They just know we're expecting."

"You should tell them."

She caught his gaze and said "Grace is more excited than Will. I don't want him more worried than necessary."

Mack came back to the counter and asked "Why would he be worried? He's about to be an older brother."

She had him help peel the potatoes and explained "He knows we're taking a big risk having a baby. If he knew how the risks doubled he'd flip and I don't want him constantly worried about me when he should be excited and enjoying himself."

He studied her fluid movements with the knife as she diced the potates and understood. Telling Jeff and Billy they were having twins instead of another boy had left them stunned and a little resentful. The boys had been hoping for another brother but no one had known the second twin was going to be a sister for them. Looking up at his daughter, he was grateful he had her. She filled the hole left by her mother's passing and he knew she knew it as well.

The door opened in the hall and they looked up as Will and Grace came running into the kitchen. They were covered in snow and she shook her head.

"Go dry off."

Will frowned and said "Teddy just showed up with Uncle Jeff and Calli."

Joe put the knife down and said "You're dripping snow all over the place. Go change and when they get in you can welcome them."

He sighed and Grace nudged him out of the room. She shot her mother a wink and Joe smiled as the two disappeared.

"Coping an attitude lately?"

Joe looked back at her father and sighed "It happens whenever his cousin is visiting."

Mack laughed and said "Reminds me of his mother."

She sent him a look and he shrugged. "You always were defensive when you found out Reese was coming to visit."

"I don't remember that."

He nodded but remained quiet as the potatoe pieces were dropped into a pot of boiling water. The hall door opened again and they looked up as Cliff stuck his head in.

"I'm going to help Jeff and Calli settle in. Billy is outside talking with Reese at the moment. Do you need anymore help?"

She shook her head and said "Just help the two get settled in. I'm sure Calli will help out when she is settled in."

He nodded and walked upstairs. They heard the company follow him up the steps and Mack began pouring drinks. He placed the glasses around the table and she was pulling the ham out of the oven when Calli entered with Jeff. Her older brother looked at her without a word and came around the counter. His eyebrow went up and she watched his slow old grin appear.

"You're huge Joe."

She tried frowning but laughed and took his embracing hug. He kissed her head and let her go to meet Calli on the other side of the counter. The woman hugged her close and helped carry the food to the table. Mack took a seat at the end of the table as the last of the food was placed on the table and Jeff sat down beside him. Running feet upstairs moved across the ceiling and Calli let out a sharp whistle. The running stopped and Joe met her gaze.


She shrugged and said "Your brother's idea of order."

Laughing, she nodded and said "Sounds like him."

"I'm right here."

They looked over at Jeff and found him watching them with a grin on his face. The three troublemakers were heard coming downstairs and Grace led them into the kitchen. They found their seats as Cliff entered the kitchen and approached Joe.

"Need me to go get the two?"

She shook her head and said "Go sit down. I'll bring them in."

He took his usual seat by the end of the table opposite his father and they watched her walk outside. She stepped out onto the porch and found Bear romping wtih the pack.

"Dinner time."

His ears went up seconds before the other lot of ears and she pushed the door open to allow them into the house. The dogs disappeared inside and she crossed the drive to the barn. She could see the office light on and knocked on the door. Billy's eyes widened when he saw her and she saw the blonde man beside him set his jaw.

"Good lord, Joe. You're a bus."

She rolled her eyes and said "Jeff said something similar."

He laughed and came over to hug her. She let him give her his usual bear hug and looked over at Reese. The man was studying them without a word and she felt Billy release her.

"Dinner is on the table and everyone is waiting on you two."

He nodded and said "Don't have to tell me twice."

She smiled and watched him leave the barn. A quiet grunt caught her ear and she looked back at Reese. He was watching Billy disappear into the house from the window and she approached him. His arm circled her waist without his eyes moving and she looked up at him.

"Coming in?"

The usual frown related to her family appeared and he sighed "I don't have a choice."

She chuckled and said "No you don't. Now come eat."

Her tone was light but teasing and he looked down at her. Kissing her gently, he savored everything about her before she pulled away. He watched her leave the room and smirked. The woman was still as commanding as ever but with the due date getting closer and the pregnancy very noticable, it changed things for him. He couldn't help but hang back and make sure no harm came to her from the slightest thing.

He had to take every precaution to keep her safe and well until the twins came. Running a hand through his hair, he left the office and shut the light off. Leaving the barn, he walked outside and found her waiting on the porch. He opened the door for her and the family voices echoed from the kitchen. She saw his shoulders stiffen and caught his face.

"Everything is going to be fine."

He held his disbelief on the tip of his tongue and they walked down the hall. When they entered the kitchen, they found everyone still waiting to eat but enjoying some laughs and their drinks. Reese took his seat and watched her sit down next to him. Everyone looked down at him and he slowly nodded. The food was fought over as the plates were made and everyone dug in.

He enjoyed the meal she made and saw her studying their company like him. They were her family but she was still holding back to take in their interactions after six months of absence. He caught her hand on his knee and she squeezed his.

"The food is amazing, Joe."

She smiled and said "Thanks. I had help."

Mack shook his head and said "I only helped you finish. You orchestrated all of this."

"Grace helped with the menu."

Everyone looked at the young girl and she smiled with a sheepish grin. The innocence in that smile never had faded and it made the atmosphere even warmer in the room. Over the time she had lived wtih Reese and her mother, she had opened up more and thrived but parts of her personality from a child were never going to fade. She was grateful eternally to Joe and her family for taking her in as their own and raising her after her horrid past and when Reese adopted her it had been a blessing for her. Whenever she looked at her mother, Grace saw the love she shared with Reese and it made her ecstatic to see her this happy.

After dinner, no one would allow Joe to do the dishes or put the food away. She was forced to remain at the table and had Reese as her bodyguard. Avoiding her husband's steady gaze, she watched her brothers do the dishes as Calli and the kids put the food away. Mack took up a seat beside her and she caught his amused look.

"Don't know what to do with yourself."

She shook her head and said "I'm so used to cleaning up after everyone. This is weird."

He chuckled and said "I imagine you're welcoming the break, whether you want to admit it or not."

The amber eyes studied her again and she nodded slightly. Her back was tired and she could tell all the cooking and being on her feet had drained her physically. There was such a need to go lay down for a little but she knew the family would want to catch up afterwards and couldn't afford to rest. Lately, anytime she laid down for a little bit it turned into a couple of hours or the entire night. Of course her lovely bodyguard wasn't going to bother her when he'd rather she just stay in the bed to begin with.

The ghost of a smirk caught his mouth and she knew he could tell what she was thinking. Her eyes lingered on his and then she looked back at everyone else. The dishes were being put away and all the food was now in the fridge for the night. Calli had the kids wiping down the counters and Cliff let the dogs outside to run off their dinner for the night. The younger dogs waited until Bear went out with them before taking off in a run and he shut the door behind them.

Calli handed Joe a mug of hot chocolate and said "How about we move into the other room to catch up and enjoy our evening."

They watched the kids head for the hall and Reese asked "Where are you going?"

Will stopped on a dime at his voice and looked back at him. Jeff chuckled and Calli held the laugh back behind a hand.

"We wanted to get one ride in before it was too late."

Reese looked over at Joe and she nodded. Cliff walked over to the kids and the three walked down the hall.

"Billy, care to watch them with me?"

The middle brother shrugged and said "Sure."

When the five were gone, everyone else moved into the family room and Calli sat down on the couch with Joe and Mack. Jeff took the chair by the fireplace and Reese stood in the doorway leaning against the frame.

"How are you feeling?"

She looked over at the blonde woman beside her and said "I'm doing fine."

Jeff cleared his throught and asked "How many are we looking at?"

"Is it that obvious?"

He leaned forward on his arms and said "Hey, I helped you through the first pregnancy and remember you never being this big."


The man looked at his wife but everyone sitting down started laughing. He cast a look to the bodyguard in the doorway and found the man calmly taking everything in.

"Care to join in?"

Amber eyes settled on him and Jeff knew to not push it. He had married Calli against Reese's order but he didn't see how it was any different from him and Joe. The distrust between them was only one sided these days but he doubted there was a single thing to get past it.

Mack cleared his throat to lighten the mood again and asked "Do we know when?"

Joe smirked and said "Mid March."

He looked back at Reese and said "Braver than I thought."

"Her decision."

He saw the two exchange glances and knew it had been entirely mutual. Reese would've done whatever she wanted but he knew his daughter. There was no way Joe would risk her life if she knew Reese was against it.

Calli caught Joe's arm and asked "How'd my brother take it when he found it wasn't just one baby?"

She smiled and said "He was speechless pretty much for the rest of the day."

Jeff snorted and asked "Reese, speechless?"

The man in topic grunted and said "We weren't planning on this. Too risky."

Jeff focused his gaze on the man and asked "What's this risk we are hearing about?"

"When I left the hospital before all of this happened, I had been informed not to have any children. It was too dangerous and most likely would kill me."

Calli couldn't hold back the gasp and asked "Then why are you doing this?"

She caught her husband's gaze and said "We both agreed we wanted another child and weren't going to give up just because the risks were too great."

The room fell silentl for a few minutes and Reese looked out the window. The sun was long gone and he imagined Cliff was forcing the kids to head back for the night. Will had become quite stubborn lately about his riding in the evenings but he also knew it was when they had time for just the two of them. With new siblings on the way, he imagined the boy needed it more than ever.

"Enough about me. Calli, tell me what you're having to deal with when it comes to my brother."

The woman laughed and they heard a groan from the man in the chair. Reese leaned into the frame again, interested in whatever was going on between those two. Calli filled them in on the latest news about the family farm and paused. She looked up at her brother and slowly turned to Joe. The woman's brown gaze studied her and then a knowing smile caught her face.

"Oh I imagine he'll kill the both of you."

She smiled and Jeff covered his face with his hand.

Mack leaned forward and asked "What is it?"

Reese saw the look on his sister's face and growled "Looks like our twins aren't the only grandchildren on the way."

The man's eyes lit up and he laughed. He could hear the resentment in the man's tone but it was too amusing to worry about.

"I swear this is the best Christmas I've ever had."

Joe laughed and looked over at her brother. He carefully met her gaze and let out a low sigh.

"At least it's just one. Don't think Brother Bear over there would let me live otherwise."

Reese growled again and Calli laughed. She took Joe's hand and received an encouraging squeeze.

"I'm sure he'll accept however many children you two have."

"Don't push your luck."

Everyone laughed but Jeff and Reese. The two were staring at each other and Reese's dark gaze was winning. He was keeping his temper in check for sure and trying to not let his personal feelings ruin the relationship the man had with his sister, but it was nearly killing him. Joe stood up from the couch and came over to him. She caught his hand and it allowed him to take a calming breath.

"I think you should be honored to be an uncle all over again."

He grunted and Calli laughed. The door opened and the two looked down the hall. Cliff was approaching but the kids weren't with him.

"Reese, you should come outside."

He looked at Cliff and the man's firm expression made him leave his spot. Joe followed them down the hall and she stopped outside on the porch. Three US Marshalls sat on their horses and removed their hats when they saw him appear. Will stood in front of them and Bear remained at his side, ready to chase them off with the command.

"Can I help you?"

Greg dismounted and said "Was sent to collect you for a job."

Reese stood beside his son and said "I told your boss I wasn't working for a while."

"Unfortunately we need your help."

"It doesn't concern me."

"It does. It concerns your entire family's safety."

Joe saw the slight tension fly into his frame and heard everyone join her on the porch. She turned her focus back to the conversation in front of her and felt Grace take her hand.

"What are you saying?"

"We found the person that would send out bounties to target you and your family. The last living Long Brother gave them up just before they were executed."

"And you would believe a snitch?"

Greg sighed and said "He was very clear. The only one that wasn't begging for his death or out of his mind."

Taking a deep breath, he looked over his shoulder and met her brown gaze. He couldn't leave her for a job, especially now, but then he also couldn't put his family in jeporady out of stubborness. She left her family on the porch and crossed the porch. Greg's eyes widened and he sent Reese a smirk when she stood beside him.


"Shut it."

The man grew quiet as he turned his focus to Joe and watched her silently mull over her words. She took a deep breath and took his hand.

She looked at Greg and asked "When would you head out?"


"Christmas night. None of us can bare leaving our families before the holiday."

She looked back at Reese and heard "I won't go."

Nodding, she took another deep breath and said "You have to."

"I gave it up."

"I know."

"Then that's final."

She shook her head and said "You and I both know if you don't go, you will be restless until you know the results. Besides, I trust you to get the job done and be back quickly."

He took a deep breath and saw the resolution in her eyes. Biting back the anger boiling inside him, he looked back at Greg and nodded.

"No! It's Christmas!"

They looked down at Will and he caught the boy's gaze. Amber stared into amber and he saw the hurt and worry in the young set of eyes.

"I won't leave until late tomorrow night. We will still have Christmas and I am going to trust you to take care of everyone while I'm gone."

Will slowly nodded and Greg held his hand out. The two silently shook hands and they watched Greg mount his horse. The three marshalls turned around and trotted down the drive to the road. The silence that was left behind could have been cut with a knife and Joe turned back to her family.

"I think everyone should go on to bed. Tomorrow we aren't going to let this ruin our holiday."

Reese watched everyone head inside except for the three brothers and they joined him out in the middle of the drive. He could see the worry they each had and bit back his own.

"You sure you want to do this Reese?"

He let out s low breath and turned his gaze to Cliff. "I need you to do everything in your power to keep her safe until I get back."

The man nodded and said "Just don't take forever. You missed one child's birth."

"I know."

Jeff watched him run a hand through his blonde hair and tried to read him. He couldn't tell if the man was really worried or if it less than that. The man looked at him and finally saw his distrust lessen in his gaze.

"Promise me you'll stay with Calli and Teddy until I get back. They're going to need the company while I'm gone. Joe's going to need all of you."

Billy watched his older brother nod and asked "How long?"

He shook his head and said "I don't know."

The small hint of defeat in his tone was startling for the three to hear and they watched him walk inside. Right now he just needed to see his family settled in safely for the night and then to spend the night alone with his wife. He found everyone inside already upstairs for the night and spotted Joe leaving Grace's room. She flashed him a comforting smile and went into Will's room. She kissed him goodnight and he watched Will roll toward the window.

As she left the room, she pulled the door shut and took a deep breath. She waved goodnight to Calli down the hall and joined him in their room. He shut the door as she sat down on the bed and ran her hand along her neck. Silently they prepared for bed and as he stretched out on his back, he watched her run a comb through her hair in the bathroom. Bear let out a whine from his bed and she entered the room.

She scratched his head on the way to the bed and climbed in beside him. Her arm slid across his chest and she looked up at him.

"You're okay with this?"

"No but it has to be done."

He looked down into her brown gaze and said "I don't want to do this."

She offered a smile and said "I know. That's why you just have to do this quickly and come back home. I need you here when these two come into the world."

He felt her rest his hand on her stomach and a slow smile captured his face. She was holding herself up strong for the both of them and he couldn't help but feel her love devour him. Leaving her when she needed him the most was killing him but she was trying to be strong enough so he could do what was best for everyone. Kissing her gently, he closed his eyes and listened to her soft breathing as the night surrounded them in silence and thoughts of what was now to come starting tomorrow.

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