Ωκεανό Tale Chapter 60

Feeling: tired
The ocean birds called as they played on the warm thermals over the blue waves. The sun engulfed the land with its warmth and passed through the open windows. Its rays rested on her face and she slowly opened her eyes. Seeing the new day upon her, she smirked and rolled onto her back. The man was sound asleep and she ran her fingers along his firm jaw. Quietly she slid out of bed and grabbed her robe on her way to the bathroom. She shut the door behind her and found a clean bath waiting. Clothes were waiting for her after her bath and she dressed in a pair of black pants and a white blouse. Her fingers slid through her wet hair and she pulled it off her neck. Leaving the bathroom, she walked through the bedroom and grabbed her socks and boots from beside the door. Silently she slid into them and glanced back at the bed. Seeing how exhausted he was, she smiled and left the room without a sound. She found the sun shining into the East Wing hall and smiled again. Since the wedding the curtains had been drawn back to allow the outside into this place. She knew it seemed silly but it felt as if the place itself was healing finally. Her boots walked quietly through the East Wing and into the West. She found the doors still shut and shook her head. Soon enough the two children were going to be moved into the family wing so this can be reserved for guests once more. She pushed the door open to Kara's room and found the child sound asleep. Drawing the curtains aside, the sunlight hit the child and she let out a groan. She watched the little one bury her head into the pillows and smirked. "Come on sleepy head." Kara let out a sigh and looked back at her. If she had to worry about being a mother it would bother her with the look she was getting. Slowly Kara climbed out of bed and was helped into her bathroom. Eve set out her clothes as she cleaned up and returned looking more awake. "Are we still going to the beach?" "As far as I know." The smile brightened the room and she ran a brush through the red hair. Kara stared at her from the mirror and she fastened her hair in a tail. They left the bedroom and walked into Trevor's room. Tanner was sleeping on his bed and opened one eye when they entered. He watched Eve draw the curtains back and stretched. Trevor let out a sigh and rolled onto his back. Kara giggled as he mumbled under his breath and walked into his bathroom. Eve smirked and watched Tanner climb off the bed. The dog greeted her and she rubbed his ear. "I trust everything went well last night." He leaned into the caress and she kissed the top of his head. Trevor reappeared dressed and ready to head downstairs. They left his room and walked to the stairwell. Tanner trotted down the stairs ahead and Kara followed him. Trevor glanced back at her just before he disappeared into the dining hall and she stopped at the bottom of the stairs. The parlor doors were open and she could hear the fire crackling in the fireplace. Stepping into the doorway, she found Leon reading a letter and he looked up at her. "Good morning." She smiled and asked "What do you have there?" He chuckled and said "A note reminding us that our guests will be arriving as expected." Quietly he handed the paper to him and walked into the dining hall. Moving to the couch, she sat down and read over the letter's content. She folded it up when she finished and moved to the desk near the door. Pulling open the middle drawer, she left the paper inside and left the parlor. She glanced up just as she turned for the dining hall and smiled. Brown eyes looked back at her and she watched him descend the last few steps. She could feel her body warming to his gaze and let him pull her into a very tempting kiss. Her fingers curled into his blue shirt and his masculine scent of wilderness captivated her. "Morning." She smiled and asked "Did you sleep well?" "Very." He wrapped his arm around her waist and they walked into the dining hall. They found everyone sitting down eating together for once and she took her seat next to his. Oric was at the other end of the table with Abigail on his left and Leon on his right. Kara sat next to Eve and Trevor on Jonathan's right. "You're eating with us?" Oric chuckled and said "I thought it was time I try joining the family again." He didn't smirk but the cook could see the understanding in those brown eyes. Glancing over at the blonde woman, he saw the light in her eyes and smiled. She met his gaze and he nodded to her. The meal was passed quietly and Oric insisted on doing the dishes himself. He had them taken into the kitchen and then kicked everyone out so he could prepare for the dinner party. Watching the door swing shut, a small frown captured his face and he felt the warm hands slide along his shoulders. They worked the tension out of him and she rested her head on his shoulder. "You're thinking again." "That tends to happen." She rolled her eyes and said "You agreed to try and back off." "It's not that easy." Smirking, she kissed his jaw and stepped back. He climbed from his chair and followed her out of the dining hall. "Where are the two?" She smiled and said "They're on their way to the stable." "Anxious." Nodding, she pulled the door open and they stepped into the morning sun. They could hear the excited barking as they approached the stable and he shook his head. Carina and Solomon were waiting quietly and William brought out the two young horses. Trevor climbed onto his brown colt Damon and Kara rested on her filly Marie. "I've made room for any horses that are brought back tonight." Eve nodded and said "We'll see you at dinner." He smiled and the two climbed into their saddles. Solomon twitched his ears and took off first. Smirking, she glanced at the two children and they followed. The four horses flew across the hills with Tanner racing ahead of them. When they reached the overlooking hills, they slowed their mounts to a walk and moved to the town gate. The guards helped secure the four horses and they walked into the town. Kara and Trevor took off to see some friends and Tanner lingered next to her side. She glanced up at her companion and saw him studying the morning traffic. The people were preparing for their afternoon sales and the party back up the hill this evening. No one knew why there was a party except that her family was coming back. Reaching the pier, she leaned her arms on the railing and let the mist run over her face. The ocean waves were calling for her and she smirked. "Seems they know too." Glancing back at him, she met his brown gaze and nodded. He looked out over the waves and she rubbed Tanner's ear. Since their wedding his ability to hear the same melody she heard had grown considerably. Their connection was so strong now that neither one had to be in the same room to know if something was wrong. She remembered the first time he came to her when her emotions had gotten too overwhelmed. Thoughts were still protected from one another but they could still tell what was going on. Spotting a fin coming out of the water, she smiled and stepped back. Tanner barked and followed her down the pier to the beach. He danced around her and she saw the family waiting for her. Running up to Liam, she met his hug and he held her firmly against him. "I've missed you so much." She smiled and looked up into his blue gaze. Tanner nudged her leg and she turned to their older brother. He hugged her as well and kissed her brow. "You've grown since our last visit." She nodded and met her father's gaze. Felic took her in his arms and she closed her eyes. "I'm glad you're doing well." "It seems you should release her before a certain overprotective man takes offense." Felic chuckled and let her go. She looked over her shoulder and met his gaze. He silently approached with the two children running behind. They tackled Liam and she withdrew to Jonathan. "They made it." She smiled and said "Please say you'll be civil." His eyes lingered on Liam and she shook her head. Even after Grace had married the man the two never could get along. It was always tense between the two and sometimes it left her wanting to strangle them both. Alexander cleared his throat and she watched the two wives join them. Young Michael ran up to her and she caught him. "Aunt Eve!" She hugged him and looked him over. "Just like your father." He laughed and she put him down. He joined Trevor and Kara beside a slowly rising Liam and they took off down the beach. Tanner looked up at her and she nodded. He trotted after the children and she turned back to her family. Teresa stood with Alexander and Grace was helping Liam clean off the sand. "I swear they get bigger every time we come back." She smiled and heard "What is the reason for this dinner party?" Teresa held her gaze and the woman smiled. "I never thought I'd see you as a mother but you're doing quite well." "Thank you." Liam glanced up at the silent man and asked "Think you can handle three kids?" His brown eyes rested on him and he heard "Not three." She felt every member of her family turn on her and felt his hand catch hers. She looked up at him and slowly back at the waiting crowd. "Twins." Alexander laughed and she heard Liam sigh "You have to be kidding me." She shook her head and said "You should know." He shook his head and said "More little brats to beat me up." Grace punched his arm and he chuckled. Tanner gave a bark up the beach and they looked toward the pier. The children were anxious to get back to the castle and she glanced up at her husband. He guided her back to the pier and the family followed. Quietly they moved through the town and everyone doubled up on the horses. She rode behind her husband on Solomon as Teresa and Grace rode on Carina. Trevor let Michael ride behind him on Damon and Kara was escorted with her uncles and grandfather beside her. They reached the stable by dusk and she swung to the ground. William helped with the horses and the visitors made their way to the castle. She brushed down Carina and gave her fresh water for the night. Locking the stall door, she found Jonathan waiting at the door. He closed the stable up and William walked with them back to the castle. Stepping into the hall they heard laughter everywhere and she felt him stop beside her. William disappeared into the dining hall with the rest of the family and she looked back at him. "Ready?" His eyes settled on her and she caught his arm. She could feel the withdrawal inside him and took his hand. He was still separated from the easy concept of laughing and she knew in time just maybe she could help reconnect him. They entered a busy dining hall and found several of the town people already here. The guests were mingling with everyone and she lingered next to him. His brown eyes were moving over the room, examining every person and she looked up at him. He met her gaze and they stepped into the moving throng of people. Oric had the dinner already on the long line of tables and his help was handing out the drinks. He left her side when they spotted his advisers and she watched the men disappear into the hall. The music ran throughout the place with the laughter and blended conversations. Liam came up to her and held out his hand. She took his offer and they walked into the dancing crowd. They stepped in line with the dancers and moved around the room. "I see he isn't here again." "You know he has other obligations." He held her blue gaze and asked "Are you happy with him?" She smiled and said "You know the answer." Sighing, he shrugged and said "I just want to make sure." "Still don't trust him?" "You've been here for over two years and the man is still as stoic as ever." She smirked and said "Only when people are watching." "I didn't need to know that." Laughing, they ended their dance and Grace took him off her hands. Smiling, she grabbed a glass of water and moved to the nearest window. Leaning into the wall, she savored the cold drink and felt her pulse jump. Smirking into her glass, she felt him approach before she found him. He stood beside her without a word and she knew for now the job was done. "Are we going to make the announcement tonight?" His eyes lingered on the crowd and he said "I imagine it would get hectic if we did." She put her glass down and said "Then come dance." Brown eyes turned back to him and he took her hand. They slid through the throng of people and he drew her into him. The music always faded away when they dance and instead the ocean outside sounded in their ears. The song ended with the dance but his eyes lingered on hers. "Still have enough energy?" She smiled and said "I know my limits." He glanced around and said "That is what worries me." She laughed and kissed him. Her exotic taste stirred the hunger he always fought to keep under control and she met his gaze. They danced another round and the evening passed. When the last guest left for the night, he was helping Oric clean up. "You know you have a family to go to." "I know." The man shook his head but remained quiet. It had become a long standing tradition between them that he helped with the clean up. His hatred of these events always amused the man because they were always held even against his wish. Now it wasn't so hard to convince him due to a certain persuasive blonde and Oric was glad to see some change in the man. It had been far too long that he had shut himself off and now he was able to see some of Isaac's old traits showing through. For years he feared that the young man would never overcome that dreaded night. He still had nightmares about it but he couldn't begin to comprehend what the man beside him had witnessed. He never spoke of it but it had changed him instantly afterwards. When the bodies were discovered Oric had prayed he would talk about it but the truth of that night remained buried in his memories for him alone. Through all the events these last few years he had seen the man loosen enough to let one person to become close to him besides Leon and himself. Trevor and Kara were special to him but their mother was the only one he confided in. Their trip to the island meant she knew everything that had occurred. Oric was pretty sure she already knew but waited for him to tell her. "You know you've been cleaning that glass for a while now." He turned to the man of his thoughts and felt him take the clean glass away. He wiped it off and put it away. Oric chuckled and wiped down the counter. The kitchen door opened and Leon took his usual seat in the corner. "Another round of cards?" The butler chuckled and Oric grabbed them. He took his seat and watched the young man put the towel away. His brown eyes watched the two men slip into their game and he left the kitchen. The dining hall was back in order and he walked through the quiet downstairs. Climbing the stairwell, he walked to the West Wing and saw the lights on. The doors to Kara's room were open and he stepped into the doorway. He found her sitting on Eve's lap as her hair was brushed. The child was half asleep and was soon tucked into bed. Eve came into the hall and pulled the doors shut. She met his gaze and they walked back to the East Wing. They walked into the master bedroom and he shut the door. He turned back to her and she held his gaze. He sat on the bed and she quietly came to him. Pulled her down onto his lap and she rested her head on his shoulder. "Your brother ask?" She smiled and said "Like always." He ran his hand through her hair and she looked up into his brown eyes. She ran her fingers through his hair and he caught her wrist. "I think you should rest." "I told you. I know my limits." He looked away and she slid off his lap. He felt her hands rest on his shoulders and work his muscles loose. Her hands slid over his upper body, working the tension out. He caught her hand and pulled her down to him. Her head rested on his chest and a hand trailed up and down her arm. "Are you happy?" Smiling, she looked up at him and said "You know the answer to that." "I don't want you to ever feel like you're forced to be here." Her fingers slid along his covered chest and she said "I'm glad to be here." "Your family?" "Is with you and the children." He smirked and pulled her down to him. The kiss was electrifying but relaxing at the same time. They laid there in silence and she slowly fell into a relaxed state of sleep. He looked down at her and then out the window. The night had been long and hard to finish out but this woman made it worth it. She never wavered on her decision to stay with him and had brought some of the old ways back. The household was always in a happy mood and the town people wanted to see him to just catch up. It was as if his father was still alive and he had Eve to thank. If she hadn't risked her life and freedom to save him, he knew he would have driven himself and everyone else into oblivion. Looking at the woman, he didn't feel content, but instead he felt happy. They had Trevor and Kara as if they were really their children and soon enough there would be two more. Everything they had worked for in the last two years was finally returning the favor. He knew he didn't have to stand alone anymore to keep everyone safe. She was a pillar of strength that he couldn't live without and sometimes it frightened him how much she meant. He felt her hand lace with his and said a silent prayer for the woman that had truly given him a new life.
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