Where The Wind Blows Chapter 13

Listening to: We Were Soldiers-TNT
Feeling: tired

"Thanks again Joe."

She looked up after setting the pen down and nodded. The man took the script she handed him and he left. Sitting back in her chair, she ran her hand through her hair and took a deep breath. Glancing out her window, she saw the sun sitting high in the sky and smirked. Rising to her feet, she pushed her chair in and left the room. She walked outside onto the porch and saw Cliff leading Tiger out of the barn with her saddle bag in place.

The stallion swished his tail back and forth as she swung up into the saddle and took the reins from her brother. He rubbed the stallion's neck and looked up at her.

"Be careful."

She smirked and said "I always am."

The man nodded and gave the stallion a swat on the rump. They took off across the driveway and she let the warm wind glide over her face. Tiger raced through the country side and along the pass to the town. Coming to a walk just outside the town, she swung to the ground and tied him up outside the hotel. Removing her saddle bag, she walked into the hotel and checked in.

The clerk gave her the room key and she climbed the steps to the second floor. Letting herself into the private room, she dropped her bag onto the bed and left. Retreating her steps back downstairs, she walked outside and untied Tiger's reins. She led the stallion across the street to the stable and settled him into a stall for the remainder of her trip. Running her hand over his face, she kissed his nose and returned to the hotel.

Climbing the steps to her room, she let herself in and tossed the keys onto a table. Removing her hair tie, she ran her fingers through the brown locks and walked to the bed. Unzipping her saddle bag, she dug through the contents until she found the small box buried at the bottom. Pulling it out, she opened the lid and a slow smile captured her face. A knock came from the hall and she shut the box.

Putting it back in her bag, she walked to the door and slowly opened it. The smile returned as the man slid inside and she shut the door. Locking it, she turned back to him and watched his bag land on the floor. He took a seat on the bed and pulled the box from her bag.

"Going to wear this?"

She smirked and moved over to the bed. He drew her down onto his lap and opened the box. She let him pull the ring out and slip it onto her hand. Looking back at into his amber eyes, she ran her fingers through his hair and met his hungry kiss. The bag was shoved off the bed and he pulled her down on top of him as he fell back onto the bed.

"You're sure?"

She smiled again and said "If I wasn't I wouldn't be here."

Smirking, he captured her mouth again and ran his hand through her loose hair. Her eyes closed as they surrendered to the night's passion and forgot their responsibilites and roles.

Opening her eyes, she took a deep breath and carefully sat up. Looking around the empty room, she spotted Bear still sleeping in the bathroom and climbed to her feet. Walking into the bathroom, she flipped the light on and disturbed the resting inhabitant. He let out a whine and she turned the shower on.

"Go sleep on the bed."

Slowly Bear stretched his legs and retreated to the bed. He hopped up without a sound and collapsed by the pillows. She shook her head and walked to her dresser. Digging out clean clothes, she returned to the bathroom and shut the door. Her shower was quick and she dressed in clean jeans and a white t-shirt.

Silently she brushed her hair and pulled it back into a tail. Grabbing her dirty clothes, she walked into the bedroom and rolled the clothes up. Resting them by her bag, she pulled on her boots and walked to the door. Glancing back at her friend, she heard his sigh and shook her head. Opening the door, she walked into the hallway and descended the stairs.

Grabbing her jacket from the closet, she stepped outside and crossed the driveway to the barn. Daemon was waiting for his ride in his stall and she approached him with his tack. He stood silent as she saddled him and adjusted all the straps. Fixing his bridle in place, she guided him out of the stall and into the outdoors. Climbing into the saddle, she wrapped the reins around her hand and dug her knees into his sides.

They started off in a quick canter and soon shifted to trotting. Entering the pasture, she pushed him into a gallop and they headed to the ravine outlook. The sun was rising higher into the sky as they came to a stop and she swung to the ground. The ground looked solid down below and she looked up at Daemon.

"I think we're in the clear."

He snorted and shook his head. Smirking, she stood up and rubbed his nose. Looking up at the sky, she found it clear and took a deep breath. Their time was up and it was only a matter of hours before her brother showed up to collect her. That confrontation was not going to be pleasant, but she prayed Cliff would be the one collecting her.

They understood each other better and she knew he would be the most forgiving of her siblings. Her hand slid through her hair and she climbed back into the saddle. Grabbing the reins, she swung Daemon back toward the barn and they flew through the pasture. Coming to a stop outside the barn, she dismounted and walked him to the watering bin outside the barn. He savored the cold liquid as she tied his reins to a post and took a deep breath.

Walking into the barn, she saw the office door open and noticed Cal working with Champ. Ignoring the urge, she moved down the aisle to the two and watched the man groom the stallion.

"Hard to believe your time here is up."

She rested her arms on the stall door and said "We knew it was going to happen."

Cal looked back at her and asked "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine."

He studied her guarded expression and said "You know you don't have to lie around me."

She smirked but it didn't reach her eyes. The man shook his head and looked back at Champ.

"It's a shame you two can't work this out."

Pulling back from the door, she watched him look back at her and said "There's nothing to work out."

The man snorted but watched her walk to the door. She stopped outside the office and saw the blonde man sitting at his desk doing paperwork. Keeping control of her nerves, she left the barn and crossed the driveway. Moving up the porch steps, she entered the house and climbed the steps to her room. Finding Bear stretching from his nap, she grabbed her bag and began packing it.

His ears went up and she said "We'll be on our way soon."

His tail began to wag as she tugged her bag shut and slung it over her shoulder. Bear hopped off the bed and followed her out into the hall. She looked back into the room and turned the light off. Pulling the door shut, she felt the emotions that had come loose inside that room slip behind the old wall once more and some of the weight lift from her shoulders. Walking downstairs, she placed her bag in the corner and walked into the kitchen.

Teddy was eating his breakfast and Calli was working on the dishes.

"Need any help?"

The woman smiled and looked back at her. That smile disappeared slowly and Teddy looked up at her.

"Do you have to leave?"

She ruffled his hair and said "I'll be back."



Bear nudged the boy's arm and sat down next to him while Teddy ate. She looked back at Calli and met the woman's gaze. Leaving the room, she walked back to the door and grabbed her bag on the way out. She carried it over to Daemon and tied it down for the ride home. Running her hand through her hair, she felt the tension growing on her shoulders and closed her eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she walked into the barn and found all the work hands outside working. Cal had taken Champ out for a workout and she quietly stopped at the office door. The man looked up at her and she entered the room. Shutting the door behind her, she waited and watched him put the pen down. He pushed back from the desk and looked back at her with the same guarded look she wore.

"Ready to go?"

She nodded and watched him stand. He came around the desk and she held herself in place when she felt herself begging to run away. This was the worst part of her departure and she knew she wasn't going to be able to stay strong as before. He stopped a few feet in front of her and glanced out the window.

"How long?"

"I imagine just an hour or less."

"You're positive?"

She nodded and said "Reese, I don't want you to watch."

"I can handle it."

"I know you can."

His amber eyes continued to watch her and she could feel her body growing more tense by the minute. He took her hand carefully and pulled her into his arms. She listened to his steady heart beat and closed her eyes. His scent surrounded her and tempted her to surrender to him one more time. Looking up at him, she tried to pull back but he caught her chin and slowly captured her lips.

The reluctance was mutual and she pulled back when she heard Bear's barking. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and looked back at him. She pulled a small pouch out of her pocket and handed it to him.

"I should have given this back to you years ago."

He watched her leave the room and opened the pouch. Seeing the metal chain, he pulled it out and watched the ring land in his hand. It glistened in the light and he closed his hand around it. Taking a deep breath, he left the office and found her waiting by the door. She slowly met his gaze as he approached and he felt words die in his throat.

They heard hooves trotting up the driveway and she watched Bear start dancing around as the rider approached. The stallion came to a stop by the porch and she watched her twin dismount. He knelt down as Bear approached and let the dog attack him with kisses. Smirking, she left the barn and crossed the driveway. Cliff pushed Bear off when he spotted her and slowly stood up.

She stopped in front of him and held her breath. A slow smile captured his face and he pulled her into a hug. Closing her eyes, she returned the gesture of affection and he kissed her brow. Holding her at arm's length, he looked her over and pulled her back to him.

"Thank goodness you're okay."

She looked up at him and asked "How is everyone?"

"Urgent to see you."


Cliff smiled again and said "He's anxious for you to come home."

She smiled and heard "Why have you been staying here?"

"I had to wait for the pass to clear out."

"Joe, it's been open for nearly a month."

"I wasn't able to leave."

Cliff's eyes narrowed and he asked "They kept you here?"

She shook her head and said "No. Bear was injured."

The man looked back at the dog and said "Looks fine to me."

She watched him look back at her and said "He is now."

"Are you ready to come home then?"

Taking a deep breath, she nodded and heard "She can't leave!"

Looking over her shoulder, she found Calli and Teddy watching. The boy left his mother and ran up to her. She took him into her arms and he looked up at Cliff.

"You can't make her leave!"

The man looked back at his sister and she held Teddy back to meet his gaze.

"I told you I'll come back."

He shook his head and said "I don't want you to leave."

She ran her hand through his blonde hair and said "I know but time will pass quickly. I'll be back before you know it."

He slowly nodded and Calli approached them. Grabbing her son's shoulder, she allowed Joe to stand up and held the woman's brown gaze.

"Take care."

"I will."

Calli picked Teddy up as she looked back at her brother and found him watching Reese approach with Daemon. The two men held each other's gaze like beasts sizing their competiton up and she took the reins from Reese. He carefully turned his eyes on her and she glanced back at her brother. Cliff climbed into the saddle and she looked back at Reese.

"Take care of yourself."

She nodded and said "You do the same."

He watched her climb into the saddle and adjust the reins. She caught his gaze and gave a whistle. Bear left Teddy and she guided Daemon down the driveway. Cliff rode silently beside her as they left the property and put distance between them and the farm.

"Who's that boy's father?"

She kept her eyes on the horizon as they galloped down to the bottom of the ravine and said "You know who."

"We never heard anything about it."

"Now we know."

Cliff glanced at her and asked "Are you going to tell Jeff?"

She ignored his gaze and said "He deserves to know."

"And Reese?"

"He doesn't know."

Cliff looked back ahead of them and they entered the ravine. Their conversation died as they moved into the pass and the only sound echoing around them were the hooves moving over the rocky terrain. The sun was at the highest point in the sky when they left the ravine and entered the countryside before their home. Silently they road on and she felt her throat tighten as they reached the farthest limits of their home land. Horses were out in the fields and she could see her brothers working in the corrals.

Bear announced their presence as they trotted through the field to the barn and Cliff glanced at her. He couldn't tell if she was nervous or unaffected by the upcoming talk she was going to have to take. They came to a stop outside the barn and dismounted without a word. He took Daemon from her and led the two stallions into the barn. She took a deep breath and watched her brothers leave the corral.

Billy reached her first and swept her into his arms. His hug was almost bone crushing and she held back the wince. He carefully examined her and a small smile slid over his face. Jeff approached and she turned to her oldest brother.

"Welcome home."

Keeping silent, she felt Bear's presence by her side and rested her hand on his head. The contact helped her stay strong for the future lecture she was bound to get. Silently he took her in his arms and let out a relieved sigh.

"You scared us witless with your disappearance act."

"I'm sorry."

"Just don't do it again."

"I won't."

He smirked and looked her over. She saw Cliff approaching and the two older brothers looked at him.

"She looks to be in one piece."

"Have any trouble?"


Joe watched the two smirk and caught Cliff's gaze. He nodded once they had headed to the house and she waited for them to disappear inside.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"That conversation is in your hands."

She took a deep breath and nodded. They crossed the driveway and climbed the porch steps. He opened the door for her and let her into the family home. Silently she walked into the family room and found their father waiting. He put the paper down and looked up at her.

She waited in the doorway and he stood up. When his old smile appeared she crossed the room and he took her into his arms.

"It's good to have you home."

"It's good to be home."

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